What I mean is that when I walk in the streets I see many human beings, female or male, who approximately are all alike, have noses, eyes, arms, legs (the only big difference is that of gender). Compared to this looking alike, the difference of their minds is enormous. We will never know people really, because we will never know their minds, an even shrinks after years of sessions don’t know a damn thing about their patient patients. This is something that about impresses me much now. People are sometimes reliable in their behavior (they don’t kill, or steal, or commit suicide) for very different reasons: They feel revulsion, or fear, or obey their parents’ prescriptions and so on but that doesn’t mean that they are the same.
Humans are defined technically by the fact that they can reproduce among themselves. The unity and particularity of the species is given by this and nothing else. They can mate and have offsprings.