My cousin wrote a song for Eddie Rabbit (I THINK it was "Just You and I"----but, I couldn't swear to it).
I've been published a few times----newspaper (included my picture), and magazines. When I was living in Britain, I met, shook hands with, and talked to Prince Charles, for about a whole 2 seconds----and have a Polaroid picture of him, somewhere. We exchanged a few comments, each, about a Royal Navy base, and I asked him how Princess Diana was. He was visiting a Royal Air Force base, at which I just happened to be. Also, I've met a few celebrities in my many travels to New York City, and Country Music Festivals----no "A-listers", though----and, I have a few books, signed by their authors, including Maureen McCormick ("Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!"). I was also on a TV show, just because I happened to be the secretary for the company where the person, they were doing a segment on, worked, and I was in a shot.
I have another cousin, who is currently serving a prison sentence for running a Meth lab, who got his name, story, and picture in the the local newspaper. Apparently, he was some kind of, like, "ring leader" for a HUGE "operation". LOL
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)