I have a hatred for people on YouTube

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Snowy Owl
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27 Jan 2015, 2:56 pm

Sometimes, when I read through the comments, I feel like all hope for humanity is lost, because 9 times out of 10, I see either a troll comment, a comment made by a chilish 12-year-old moron, or someone with no sense of morality or respect posting crap in an attempt to make themselves look smart. :evil:

I know anonymity has a part in the reason why people on YouTube act so stupid, but why do people's IQ drop by 500% when they go onto YouTube? Do they lose their sense of restriction, or do they feel like the rules are unimportant? Or is it just they're so ignorant that things they don't want to hear go in through the eyes and ears and out of them as well?? :?

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27 Jan 2015, 3:22 pm

Most Youtube comments are ignorant, racist, or just plain crud. (Some are informative or funny, though, it all depends on the video.)

Snowy Owl
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27 Jan 2015, 3:44 pm

Non_Passerine wrote:
Most Youtube comments are ignorant, racist, or just plain crud. (Some are informative or funny, though, it all depends on the video.)

I know what you mean. I don't hate everyone, but it's hard not to considering nearly everyone acts the same way. One bad apple spoils the bunch, or so they say...


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28 Jan 2015, 10:19 am

There will always be those kinds of people not only on YouTube, but anywhere on the internet where comments can be left.

Don't let them get to you. Just watch and enjoy the video and ignore the comments.


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30 Jan 2015, 5:34 pm

YouTube is a fabulous site, but I have to agree that the comments sections of videos, especially the most popular ones, are like a warzone in a playground. There are a few good comments, but sometimes they're pretty hard to see for a big bunch of silly ones.

Okay, here's a game for you: imagine you got a dollar (or whatever currency is in your country) for every time you saw any one of these types of comments:

* "Illuminati confirmed!!"
* "im only 9 dont swear on youtube or their will be truble"
* [amount of dislikes] people [do this]
* Chain mail post
* ASCII art spam - which often renders as a big mess
* "I bet not many people will thumb this up LOL"
* "Darude - Sandstorm"
* Some irrelevant troll comment.
* Americans vs Brits flame war
* Brony vs Hater flame war
* Fandom vs Fandom flame war
* Any other type of flame war amongst users that is like 200 replies long.

Easy way to get rich quick. :wink:

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30 Jan 2015, 5:58 pm

I go on YouTube all the time, I hope you don't hate *me*. :(

But I know how you feel. I'm always seeing long threads of people arguing cussing each other out because they don't agree on something that's nearly always very trivial, like which game console/sports team/superhero/movie/fictional character is best. It's just so pointless, why can't they just agree to disagree? And sometimes they say things like "You're so stupid, are you Autistic or something?", or "The people in this video are so stupid, they must be Autistic". I have sub-zero tolerance for anyone who says anything nasty about people with autism and I always report and block them.

And I don't get the whole "First!" thing on YouTube. Like big whup, you're the first to leave a comment, what you think you deserve a trophy or something? Sorry I asked. :roll:

I see women competing in sports or driving and then you get loads of sexist "They need to be in the kitchen makin a sammich" stupidity. Of course, if there are women who are professional chefs in a gourmet kitchen, it's a different story. :x

I don't even get why people dislike a video when they don't have to. I usually only click dislike if the video is doing any of the things that needs to be reported, like bullying, abuse, hate speech, or is in just horrifically bad taste. People just like to hate, that's all.

And then there are the geniuses who never read a description, and then there are maybe 20 comments made by people complaining about the thing that was explained in big letters in the description. Sometimes I think about making a "joke" in one of my video descriptions that no one reads them anyway so from now on there will be only advertising in place. HA.

It's so bad that sometimes the comments take all the enjoyment out of a well-made video and I can't even read them.

I'd like to also talk about stupid and nasty so many people on Facebook are, but I gone on too long already.


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30 Jan 2015, 9:15 pm

i almost never comment on youtube.

but, on the internet, you can be anything you want! take a few pics from google images (make sure to scroll far enough down!), and voila! you're a smokin-hot babe and totally not a slob vegetating under the eerie blue light of a screen in the basement! make a few claims, and since you're an anonymous stranger on the internet, nobody will know the better! shame so many people choose 'stupid'.

lostonearth35 wrote:
And sometimes they say things like "You're so stupid, are you Autistic or something?", or "The people in this video are so stupid, they must be Autistic". I have sub-zero tolerance for anyone who says anything nasty about people with autism and I always report and block them.

oh boy. that too! and on 4chan when i used to browse it, always this stuff like "the autism knows no bounds", "autism/10", etc, etc. but, well, 4chan.
i like to compare it, and i guess the youtube comment section as well, to something akin to a sewer, if you get rid of them you let all the s**t flow out onto the streets (is that how sewers work?), streets = the better parts of the internet. which is why i wouldn't get rid of it if i had the power, because i doubt people are going to stop posting crap/trolling just because their favorite sites to do it on, are gone. it's like a cesspool.

i admit, i don't bother with reporting them or blocking them, they're nothing but comments to me; if i did i think i'd break my finger from clicking report or block so many times! i guess it's no wonder then, people can say whatever they want, if a behemoth website like youtube was moderated like this site was, i think the mods would die from lack of sleep!!

i actually posted a comment in response to one of those 'autism' posts saying that I had autism and i liked it, and i got a few thumbs up.

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30 Jan 2015, 10:15 pm

I just enjoy the videos now. I rarely post comments on YouTube anymore out of fear of being called the R-word.

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Snowy Owl
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30 Jan 2015, 10:36 pm

Most people I try to reason with are simply too arrogant and arseholeish to speak with, so I often end up blocking them (I only have blocked 3 so far, reasons I will get to later.)


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31 Jan 2015, 6:27 am

i find that 99 out of 100 times people will say things in the comments section, on 4chan, other such places that they would never dare say in real life. hence why i visit none of those places.

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06 Feb 2015, 10:16 am

54together wrote:
* Brony vs Hater flame war


^ Most anti-brony haters in a nutshell: Moronic a***holes that feed off brony anger to make up most of their comedy or pitiful life.


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09 Feb 2015, 1:11 am

The thing that bothers me about it is the use of "this video is giving me autism" and "I can feel the autism here"

Maybe if that was really the case, then they'd start to grow some common sense ;)

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09 Feb 2015, 3:47 am

When I first saw this thread I thought it was gonna be about all those vlog channels that are about absolutely nothing yet still manage to get 2 million views per video.


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09 Feb 2015, 3:53 am

I love all the racist, bigoted and hateful speech, because I know it annoys the PC crowd.


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09 Feb 2015, 5:32 pm

blue_bean wrote:
When I first saw this thread I thought it was gonna be about all those vlog channels that are about absolutely nothing yet still manage to get 2 million views per video.

they have little substance. for some reason, nearly every such video i can recall was of them unboxing/recieving fan mail. my little sister watched them all the time, i heard very bit.
more recently, she likes to watch LPers like jacksepticeye and markiplier. and their screaming makes me want to rip out my eyelids. i am very thankful she has her own computer now and doesn't have to use mine for those.

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