It seems I hang out on WP. I have been through many stages of life, "Get thee behind me!" I like this one, everyone has given up on changing me, I have almost completed my education, and ideas turn into money, rather than me punching a clock for someone else to make money, and me to be their wage slave.
Looking about I see that most of my peers died. Looking ahead I see exhausted workers with one foot in the grave, and an active group into their eighties who are too busy being themselves to age.
I told someone 21 years my senior that I started publishing near sixty, and he told me that after a life of music, drinking, an endless party, he started a recording studio at 60, and ran it for twenty years.
We grow up at 40, mature at 60, and the years of development delay come back twice. While others struggle to reach their dreams, burdened by family, who want it all now, and work themselves to death making the payments, we come up after, and have none of that. We do have a lot more background than most, the 20 extra years, and enjoying your life is the best medicine.
I am not ready for shuffleboard and talking about my condition. What is left of my time, is younger than me, and seems twenty years older. They will all be gone soon. There are other groups I have seen, Motorcycle gangs made up of the over 70, who ride 50,000 miles a year. They are the people who have better computers than I do, speak to each other in G Code, and are thinking of starting an animation studio.
Aspie seniors do exist, but I doubt any have heard of it. I have run into them for years. I had no label back then, last month, but WP fits me, and there is a wild tribe in the natural habitat. Europe is good, not being America, but over crowded, one big traffic jam, and worth a visit, but not for living. Remember, your ancestors left, there were reasons.
I do want out of where I am. It has noise and people, but none of that does me any good, so why should I put up with it? The rational tells me to move where I can reach my goals, not feed something I do not need or like.
I am pro Colony. Even totally useless people, artists, writers, have started colonies. If you stand out in a crowd, find or build a new crowd.
I have little idea how aspies can function in the real world. I never could. I know how to chase them away, but that takes effort. The world is the cause of negative aspie traits. As for positive, here and there, but never critical mass. The towns folk come with pitchforks and torches, I pour boiling oil on them, they go away in flames, I go back to work, another town delagation comes, I repel them. A lot of work.
Most arts colonies were started by one person, who made a pile, sold a few books, were hot on the art scene, and bought something rural. As the people they knew lost jobs, got evicted, they were invited to come live rent free in the barn. A little money goes a long way when you are living in a chicken coop.
More time is spent on work, more money on wine, and overall production is marketed. It is not long before other places are bought, huts built, and a writers workshop brings in outside money. The mutual support is like what we do here, perhaps not a solution, but at least we share.
60 to 90 does leave me with questions. I have become less and more connected to the world, but living in an apartment complex and working as a Walmart greeter is out. I have a few tricks, I do know the money machine, and I know places where I can buy, for what a year's rent cost. Web marketing works, I can be anywhere I can connect with UPS.
My old bones like warm and dry. My idea of shopping is my garden and chicken coop, veggie omlete anyone?
I want to retire from the world, and get on with my life. Being one, I know how to do profitable things that I just do not have time for. I could teach others. I want to live in a village of hermits.
Ranching is no longer profitable. There is lots of land that has been through cattle, then sheep, then goats, and is now only good for deer hunting. I think ranching aspies would be profitable. They can even build their own stalls, and grow their own feed. With food, water, shelter, and some thrift store shopping, they would be no problem to keep.
After a year or two on the range with what little money they have coming in piling up, a, shall we say, cash economy, and low overhead, an economic stability would come. Aspies come cheap, find them on WP, offer them a bus ticket, and bring them in. A half dozen could build a new stall in a day.
They do not cost much, and most could weed a garden, with some training. Any effort on their part is almost pure profit. Huts built, gardens developed, chickens fed, trees planted, brush cleared.
I would think group Obsessions would come. A big hut to keep books in, a place for loitering and coffee, a loafing shed.
Ranch land comes with 40 gallons of water per day per head, year around. Aspies can get by on less water than cattle. Windmills look cool, and stock tanks are. Aspies are easy to entertain, they just stare at things.
Ranches come with a house, well, barn, shop building, so the first dozen or so can be housed and fed right away. As it is their nature to go hide in the bushes, they will spread where there is water.
There is money in publishing, print making, light manufacturing, and I see skills in the arts, and in computers and code. An export economy starts quickly.
A lease with option to purchase can be a low cost set up, The value of ranch land is declining right now. Locking in a price works for sellers.
Us Dinos have to do something, but nothing says the same retirement would not work at 50, or 40, or 30 or 20. You can be fifteen, and with a hut, garden, chicken coop, have what other's work their whole lives to have. Retire first, get it over with, then go play in the world.
Please PM me if you would like to leave the world behind, live in peace, and grow your own being.