I've been watching some Hitler's rants videos and I keep wondering who this Fegelein guy is Hitler kept talking about, so I went on Wikipedia:
I learned that this dude was like an SS general, then I read:
Fegelein was shot for desertion on 28 April 1945, two days before Hitler's suicide.
And I'm thinking WTF? What kind of general gets executed for desertion? I'd never heard of that before!
Then I read:
In 1929 he left the police service when he was caught stealing examination solutions from a teaching superior's office.
Then I saw his photograph:

And I was like OMG this guy is like a high school kid who never grew up! LMAO!
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin