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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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16 Jun 2015, 5:28 am

one of my good friends has lost 40 pounds with this plan . i love it because i wouldn't feel hungry . ok .here it is .
breakfast : one egg with a glass of milk (low fat ) one apple
and you need to eat eggs( white) or beef or fish 70g per 2 hours .
lunch time : one glass of water 500ml first . and 250g vegetable .and 70g beef or fish or egg(white) .fruit (apple or orange)
sacks as same as above per 2 hours
dinner : water first .250g vegetable . one pear . 70g chicken (without skin) beef or fish .
snacks again till sleep
you must pick one day no fruit no vegetable during a week .
what you have to do else is walking . about 8000-10000 step every day .

this method is called "low calorie " treatment . you have to eat some snacks per two hours means : we need to eat something to stimulate insulin secrietion in order to decopose fat ! but the snack must be low calories .
i checked this on line .it is .
i tried 1week and it really useful . i lost 5pounds . and didn't feel hungry and hard .so i will continue .............
if you like .try it .
and more
chicken : chicken breast is better
beef: do not cook it too greasy
fish : do not eat too much . 70 g
fruit : one apple .or one orange . half banana . or 120ml watermellon
vegetable: paper. cabbage....
and you have to get a scale : small and accurate . i got one from amazon which is very friendly to use .you can search "carelove" on amazon ,pick one suit you ...
and a passometer . Omron is better .
let's go .....................
my goal is 100 pound .now i am 128.


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16 Jun 2015, 9:49 am

I hate diet plans. I hate having to follow a list of things instead of being free to make my own choices. And there is no way I am eating fish, eggs or beef every 2 hours. That's disgusting. Diet plans are nothing but a crock. :x


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16 Jun 2015, 11:34 am

I thought this thread was some diet product/service spam, but I realize it is not. Doesn't sound like a bad plan if you are seriously trying to lose weight.

I'm not overweight. So I don't need a diet plan. I love feeling hungry. I feel very unhappy when I'm not hungry.

I don't think someone who weighs 128 pounds (about 58kgs, right?) needs to lose weight. 100 pounds doesn't sound like a healthy weight. Being skinny like a skeleton is not healthy. But I guess people have different ideals/ideas about health/fitness etc.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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17 Jun 2015, 11:58 pm

no one want a diet plan if he(she) is not overweight . and i am not so fat actually but my up arms and low abdomen look terrible . and my bmi is too high . so need to lose ....
anyway .at least for me it is good...

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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18 Jun 2015, 5:12 am

I will try to do that diet!

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Jun 2015, 10:55 pm

JuliaF55 wrote:
I will try to do that diet!

hello . how about your diet ? you can ask me if you have any question . i lost about 10 pounds and i changed some foods , not so strict anymore but still low calories and high protein . enough vegetable and one day only protein a week . i feel it is good not only for lose weight also for our health .

anyway .good luck