Have you ever felt guilty? What for?

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07 Aug 2015, 9:45 am

Have you ever felt guilty for something? If so what did you do.

I will go first: I once accidentally hurt a friends feelings and even after I apologised they didn't want to hang out again.

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We become what we think about; since everything in the beginning is just an idea.

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07 Aug 2015, 2:54 pm

I used to feel guilty for having a job when more efficient and capable people than me were unemployed.
I used to feel guilty for having a partner when more loving and thoughtful people than me were alone.
I used to feel guilty for being alive and using up valuable resources when other people were more deserving.

Then I thought: f**k other people.

It's like I'm sleepwalking


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07 Aug 2015, 3:03 pm

For everything, starting with being born. I haven't yet figured out what to do about it.

The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.


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07 Aug 2015, 3:25 pm

Spiderpig wrote:
For everything, starting with being born. I haven't yet figured out what to do about it.

Hmm. Turn being born into a good thing. :)

We become what we think about; since everything in the beginning is just an idea.

Destruction and creation are 2 sides of the same coin.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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08 Aug 2015, 12:04 am

I feel guilty that I can't contribute financially much for gifts around Christmas time like the rest of my family, and everyone always spends more on me than I can on them. Just once, it would be nice to be able to spoil everyone else.


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08 Aug 2015, 2:21 am

I feel guilty when I eat unhealthy food. I'm trying to be gluten free, alcohol free (I'm not an alcoholic) and soft drink free etc. Every time I eat/drink any of those things, I feel a bit guilty.


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09 Aug 2015, 3:06 am

I feel guilty when I feel like I am too good to be true.

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09 Aug 2015, 4:15 am

Saying cheap to my aunt and uncle in a thank you card. I didn't realize what the word really meant then because I was always called that and also called a cheapskate and my mom called herself cheap.

My anxiety with money makes me feel guilty because I know it makes me come off as a gold digger or a cheapskate but I have nothing to worry about because I am married. Also I have a hard time donating money because of it.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

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10 Aug 2015, 4:46 pm

I felt that way alot as a kid when I got in trouble for making mistakes.

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10 Aug 2015, 5:35 pm

For posting something on YouTube or somewhere else that I thought was cool, edgy, or in-your face at the moment but then realized it was stupid of me, like nearly everything I say. Especially if someone replies to it and tells me why it's stupid and so am I.

For example I really should not self-censor swear words in my posts. I feel like an idiot for doing it, now. If I don't want to print them, then it's better to just not say them at all.