Raleigh wrote:
Amity wrote:
I give unsuitable advice, I'm given unsuitable advice too! (Not on purpose of course)
You could never give unsuitable advice, Amity. You always know the right thing to say. Some people were born to speak. I was born for silence. I think the problem is I talked in my head for so long I can't reciprocate conversation appropriately. I say what I would want to hear instead of what is good for the other person to hear.
Lol I've made my share of unsuitability syrupy Haven posts, they really belonged in off the wall, or the random comments threads
I disappeared into myself for a quite a few months and couldn't really communicate, the longer it went on, the more my communication skills declined, I know you understand the stuff about practice, I wont go there.
Edit to add: Drawyer is onto something... Advice might not always be suited to the OP, but I'll bet there are/will be lurkers/others who will benefit from your words! You know... the kind of people who also experience reciprocal conversation challenges, and remain quiet instead, reading old threads, looking for answers.
Raleigh wrote:
Amity wrote:
I like your posts! They are usually practical or useful, or have that great Australian sense of humor which I enjoy! Don't stop!
Thank you. But I think I will refrain from posting for a while. Or post in threads that don't require interaction, as such.
Im sorry you feel that way, posting in
Off the wall can be a nice and lighthearted interaction... xanax cake anyone