Hello here a lovetest
Goran hit an axe against the door of a single woman!
a) because he is a lunatic
b) because he is a firefighter
c) a and b are both kinda possible
What has more mass
a) 1 kilogram feathers
b) 1 kilogram foie gras
c) both same
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, you take one away and pass it around,..
a)98 bottles of beer on the wall
b)97 bottles of beer on the wall
Here the results
1st question
I know Goran and know for a fact that he is firefighter and not a lunatic , so it is not c="kinda possible".
-answer a=0 points
-answer b= 10 points
-answer c= 5 points
2nd question
I hope you considered not answering the question because foie gras mostly means animal cruelty
-you answered the queston=0 points
-didn't answer =10 points
3rd question
Why 98, what if somebody else wants to pass beer around too at the same time, there would be less then 98. Didn't think of other people?
-answer a =0 points
-answer b=10 points
And here now your rating, based on your answers that and this is just a filler and here another filler and the sanctum of love does not wish to judge you. But you have the possibility to judge yourself, weather you had love for the sanctum of love during the harsh questions, and did you have love for yourself while you were facing a somewhat unfair system. For that was the test. Hope you didn't skip right to this part. Much much love to you