Hermits of the world, UNITE! I get hassled all the time by my normal social type family because I am a hermit. Social people automatically think there is something wrong, or that you are weird if you are a hermit type of person. They always try to get you to conform, because anything or anyone who doesn't fit into their form of normal makes them uncomfortable. Also, social family members don't want the "stigma" of being related/associated with someone who doesn't fit the norm, so they will never stop trying to get us to conform--or to "fix" us. They can't comprehend that social situations make hermit type people uncomfortable, so we prefer to be alone most of the time. I am in my mid 50s and live alone, and I still have to put up with being hassled by my family. I am not anti social, just non social, but where my family is concerned, sometimes I do feel somewhat anti social, because they stress me out so much. I have no trouble accepting that most other people are social. I wish they would show us hermits the same courtesy.
As for your situation, if you want to go out--go. If you want to stay in--stay. If you want to go out, but the bar/club scene doesn't appeal to you, figure out what does, and then go there.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau