Lace-Bane wrote:
Sorry I got rather lost in what the test was for. I took it and it said I was Deluded/ Speculative and gave advice about it, but I couldn't really figure out what Deluded/ Speculative was relevant to. What I mean is it told me what someone of that type should do to improve, but it didn't really explain what the type was. I looked at the previous pages and er... wasn't able to decipher it's meaning.
It told me this... The spiritual task of the deluded type is to transform spaciousness into a state of rooted equanimity. Deluded types need to learn how to reel in their minds. Practices useful for a deluded type include: noting (labeling); mindfulness of the hindrance of doubt; body awareness; somatic experiencing; qigong or yoga; precision; mindfulness of the earth element, and putting oneself in safe and pleasant surroundings to prevent dissociation.
... but not what the type meant
Sorry if I'm being stupid and have missed something

Ha, I find that passage pretty incomprehensible too, and I should at least have some inkling of what the heck it means.
So, I've had a good think about it and maybe this will help;
Deluded/speculative types may spend a lot of time in thoughts, indulging in fantasies, both negative and positive. Their mind is a natural wanderer, going far and wide. That's not necessarily bad, but sometimes it can be problematic.
Deluded/speculative types tend to be full of thoughts, many of them perhaps not reflecting reality too accurately. I would say questioning the truth quotient of your thinking would be very helpful, and testing those thoughts against reality.
I think a good way to 'reel in the mind' is with a concentration meditation practice. You train yourself to focus, or 'anchor', on a single thing, such as the sensation of the breath. This will inhibit the tendency of the mind to wander uncontrollably, and help ground yourself in the body.
The deluded/speculative type of person lives in the mind a lot and sometimes neglects the body, which is why the writer of the quiz recommends yoga and qi gong; a physical practice to bring a bit more balance and harmony between mind and body.
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