Rant freely
I'm making this so people can rant. It can be about anything, it can be about someone who was insensitive about your sensory needs, it can even be as simple as being annoyed about someone taking your pencil without your permission.
Whatever it is feel free to talk about it here. Hopefully it'll make you feel better and brighten up your day!
I'll go first.
I hate a lot of things, but especially when people come out of nowhere to touch me or scare me. There's three people in my class that do this. One likes to jump out at me. There was a day where he did it twice. I had gone through two meltdowns and he jumped out at me maybe 20-30 minutes after the second one while we were walking to our next lesson and I had my head in the clouds, thinking about how I'll just spend the day from after school until bed time cuddling my fluffy cat. I had told my classmate that I have Asperger's and that I had recently had a meltdown yet he still chose to do this. I nearly had a panic attack and as he walked off I was beginning to have a panic attack. As the lesson was P.E the teacher let me sit out and just keep score. The next time was about an hour later as I left class to go home. I had confronted him about his jumping out and that I had a panic attack and he didn't give a crap, so I was mad by the time I left, he jumped out at me as soon as I left the classroom. I was so mad that I barely laughed and just shouted "IT'S NOT FUNNY!!" He was laughing at me.
The other two like touching me, especially around the head, ears and shoulders, which I can't stand. They've flicked my hair, put their hand on my head, tried to take my headphones off while I was listening to music, put their arms around my shoulder etc, etc. They've been in detention multiple times due to physically and verbally harassing me, being disrespectful to teachers, threatening me with a large rubber band and causing me to break down crying and have a meltdown multiple times.
It doesn't help that they and many other classmates of mine use homophobic and ableist slurs. There's even a couple students that use autism and down syndrome as insults, which upsets me for obvious reasons.
everything is f****d.
the bread is f****d and the eggs are f****d and the toaster is f****d too.
everything is annoying me, and i do not know what to do.
i wanted a simple breakfast of 2 soft boiled eggs in an eggcup (which is also f****d) which i set them in and chop off their "heads" with a knife and dip strips of toast that i cut from a slice into the runny yolks and then retract them and eat the bit covered in yolk.
that is all i wanted.
i went and bought fresh eggs and bread and came home to cook my breakfast.
the eggs were almost spherical (i have had this problem before), and i realized that when they were ready, i would not know which end to put in the eggcup and i became annoyed at the inconvenience. if i put the eggs in the eggcup upside down, then the first bit of yolk i encounter after chopping that side off will be hard.
explanation of how my eggs are consumed:
i cut a single thick jumbo slice of toast into 6 equal strips. 3 for each egg.
i place egg in egcup fat side down and chop off the top at the correct point to reveal a crown of soft as yet unbroken yolk which i use a non crust strip of toast to pierce and soak up the goodness. i then use the second non crust strip to further soak up the goodness until it is almost used up, whereupon i use the third crust strip of toast (stronger spine) to gouge the dryish yolk out from the bottom of the egg untill it is difficult to scrape any more off.
then i cut a small knob of butter and place it in the egg and mix it in to the dry yolk at the bottom and scoop it out with a teaspoon to complete the eating of the egg.
repeat for second egg.
if i put the egg upside down, then i will squander the "knob of butter" fix at the end of the egg which is a favourite stage of mine.
when eggs are spherical, there is a 50% chance that i will incorrectly orient them in my eggcup and that produces stress which reduces my pleasure.
when the eggs were 1 minute until ready today, i opened the bread packet and to my horror, there was a huge air bubble in the first slice, so i pulled that one out and the one behind it was the same. i only had less than a minute to get the toast in to the toaster and time was ticking away, so i had to find a decent slice rapidly. i continued to forage madly through the loaf to find a decent slice and there was none, so then i had to inspect every slice i previously discarded (set aside on a clean bench) to see which one was the best of that bad bunch, and by this time everything was out of sync and i was becoming extremely irate to the point that i begrudgingly ate the eggs when all was done (i got them both right side up due to luck) with the inferior slice of toast that had no structural integrity, and i had to poke little bits that broke off the strips into the egg and retrieve them with a spoon.
ohmygod i am going to stop thinking about it, as even recounting it is raising my blood pressure.

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I like this thread as opposed to others as I don't have to think about other members trolling past me.
Do you think the queen gets it right all the time? Only sixty three years of a long reign has qualified her for that. None of us are perfect. We’re either children living on the outside or just battling to survive on the inside.
I’m my own best tool of comfort and friend. "Long live the queen".

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I think PETA is a complete animal WRONGS group, especially after seeing their video game "parodies". Last night I learned they made a spoof of Super Mario 3D Land where they tell you Mario is "evil" because he wears a Tanooki suit that gives him special powers, and that Tanooki are real raccoon dogs that get skinned for their fur. Therefor, playing Super Mario will make people think it's okay to wear animal fur. The protagonist of the game is a skinned Tanooki who eventually beats up Mario to get his fur back, and the game is very gory and Non-E-for-Everyone throughout.
That had to be the most stupid thing they've come up with yet. The Tanooki suits in SMB are NOT from real racoon dogs that have been skinned. They are magical power-up costumes that pop out of blocks when you hit them. also I haven't seen PETA go on about the other animal suits in the games, like penguins and frogs. But no, it's as if they would rather you let your kids play Mortal Kombat than a family-friendly game beloved by kids and adults alike. If it wasn't for SMB I may have never learned what a tanooki is. So thanks, Nintendo.

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Whenever there's mention of a food recall on the news at least one person says "That's why I grow my own vegetables". I hate that because to me it sounds like they're all snotty and superior-feeling. Well, some of us just don't have the space, time, or money to grow our own food. And even if we do, we can't control how the weather is going to affect our plants. My dad plants a vegetable garden every year and sometimes it does really well but this year half the summer was cool and too wet, so a lot of his fruits and vegetables didn't turn up well. My mom told me last week he has only one peach on his peach tree. I jokingly said maybe it'll be like James and the Giant peach and it'll grow gigantic, but my mom didn't like the thought of meeting giant bugs and insects living inside the peach pit, even if they're friendly.
Of course, unless a creepy old man shows and gives them a bag of sparkly green sand, that's not likely gonna happen.
I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth around" to people who don't have any work ethic, because they are too lazy or too under-educated (or both) to earn a living for themselves in a society where skilled workers in science, technology, engineering and medicine are more highly valued than unskilled workers at a fast-food joint.
I'm tired of being told that I have to pay more taxes to "keep people in their homes". Sure, if they lost their jobs due to outsourcing or got sick, I'm willing to help. But if they went to school to earn a "Liberal Arts" degree because maths, science and engineering were "too hard" for them, and then found themselves having to compete with thousands of other similarly-educated numbskulls, then they're on their own, having made their own decisions that led to their current state.
I'm tired of illegal aliens being called "undocumented workers", especially the ones who aren't working, but are living on welfare or crime. What's next? Calling drug dealers, "Undocumented Pharmacists"? I'm willing to help fast-track for citizenship any person who enters this country legally, speaks English, doesn't have a criminal record, who is self-supporting without family on welfare, or who serves honorably for three years in our military. Those are the citizens we need.
I'm tired of being told that America is a terrible place to live by people who left worse places to live here illegally. Why don't you just take your whiny-arsed complaints back to your own country and tell the gun-toting, freedom-hating people who run it just how much you appreciate their dictatorial policies and draconian laws.
I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace", when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honor"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because Shari'a law tells them to.
I'm tired of being told that out of "tolerance for other cultures" we must let Saudi Arabia use our oil money to fund mosques and Madrassa Islamic schools to preach hate in America, while no American group is allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia to teach love and tolerance.
I'm tired of being told that "gender and race don't matter", when they're all that matter in Affirmative Action jobs, lower college admission and graduation standards for women and minorities, government contract set-asides, tolerance for minority cultures of violence, and fatherless children who have no idea what it means to live in a truly committed relationship.
I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses while they tried to fight it off? I don't think so. People have told me I'd have more sympathy for junkies if this issue was close to me. News Flash: It is personally having seen the destruction of alcoholism and heroin addiction in my own family that makes me intolerant of people who are willing to destroy themselves and the people around them to indulge in their selfish habits.
I'm tired of latte liberals and journalists trashing our military and its personnel. These people would never wear a military uniform unless it was Hallowe'en, or let their entitlement-poisoned kids anywhere near a military recruiting station, so that they can all sleep comfortably in their posh homes, without ever having to make split-second decisions under life and death circumstances, and bad mouth better people than themselves.
I'm tired of people telling me that their political or religious philosophy has the corner on virtue, and that every other religion or political party has the corner on corruption. Read the papers -- hypocrites are non-partisan and fill out the rank and file of every religion.
I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers, religious leaders and politicians talking about "innocent mistakes", "stupid mistakes" or "youthful mistakes", when we all know that they think their only mistake was in getting caught.
I'm tired of hearing how people with food stamps, air-conditioned homes, color TVs and two cars are called "poor". I've been homeless. Real poverty is not knowing if you will have a safe place to sleep tonight, not knowing whether or not you will ever have another meal that doesn't come out of a dumpster, and not knowing if anyone would ever care enough to identify and claim your body at the morgue if you should be found dead of hypothermia and malnutrition.
I'm tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions, and who then blame their parents, their spouse, their children, the government, big business, global warming, or anything and anyone but themselves for their problems.
Finally, I'm tired of people complaining that I'm being a meany and a bully when I point out that they are perfectly capable of solving their own problems without having to "borrow" money from me that I will likely never get back. If you had stayed in school, stayed out of trouble, and stayed away from alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, then you would likely have a steady job and a home and car of your very own.
Have a nice day!

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The World health Nazi Organization claims that sausages and bacon are just as cancer-causing as cigarettes. I replied that I don't eat such things constantly every day, unlike the smoking addicts, and they can just go wallow in the manure with the piggies who get turned into bacon and sausage for all I care.
I suppose they'll want to ban processed meats because of this. But oh no, not cigarettes. It's still perfectly legal to sell them as long as they put grim warnings and graphic images on the box that the addicts always ignore. Yeah sure, people who are drug addicts or alcoholics need to be pitied and given help because they have a disease, but people who are overweight or actually eat food are nothing but disgusting weak lazy sub-humans and we should all be thrown into the gas chambers. *sarcasm*
Whatever it is feel free to talk about it here. Hopefully it'll make you feel better and brighten up your day!

Great thread!

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What the hell. I'm just gonna state that signing a e-petition for a non government handout of leaflets is only getting stronger and getting more responses, as it should be.
If you're brexit sign here; https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/116762
I have made a lot of progress today in the field of my game's dev process because people are nice and helpful which means that I am able to receive the moral support that makes said games dev process a lot smoother on my end because of things such as dealing with frustration and needing to vent and EHR MEHR GARD I saw a nice japanese looking girl in the hall today and that was cool even though she would probably sneer at me because I am sometimes an idiot for I sometimes very socially awkward but that is accepted in japan I think because japan is awesome and yes I am a weeaboo and then I saw an episode of "Leo and Satan" and learned that trading a bit of hair and a single cent can get you over 10000 dollars in addictive substances as long as you are talking to a firmly exposed entrepreneur who talks stereotypically and then if you pour it on a pancake OH MY GOD EH-ING PANCAKES ARE DELICIOUS even though I sometimes mock them for being "real breakfast food" even though you can eat anything for breakfast as long as it is healthy and that is all...
Hope this isn't weird, I have been holding that train of thought in all day.
My in progress game!
-Weiss Schnee, Summing up her character.
"Instead of sweetheart, you can call me SIR."
-Yang Xaio Long, being a total BA.
-Discreetly hides book entitled "Ninjas of Love"...
Blake Belladona doesn't talk about that scene.
"Seeing new weapons is like meeting new people...only better..."
-Ruby Rose. Enough said.

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Why am I not allowed to be proud of anything? I'm proud to be autistic. I'm proud that the German bit of my family heritage got the best of me above the strong French genes on my mum's side and mostly British genes on my dad's side. I'm proud to be transgender. My mum tries to squash that pride as well. Also, why does my mum make my dad out to be this big monster who's hiding around the corner and out to get me if I do something un British, French or Canadian? Is it because my mum found out that I'm trying to connect with my dad after I let the black, red and gold cat out of the bag that's been driving a wedge between him and I since I was 6? What a sneaky little witch! I know one thing for me to take as a compliment. I remind my sister of Schultz.
The Family Enigma

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Berlin was home to Magnus Hirschfeld's Institut für Sexualwissenschaft before it and its amazing library of gender atypical research were burned to the ground in the Opernplatz of 1933.
I say be proud of both, no matter what your mum says.
“For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.”
―Carl Sagan