muffinhead wrote:
I've been taking them every day for nearly 2 years. The invigorating feeling of icy water running across your skin is a nice sensation to experience, and there are supposedly health benefits as well.
It takes some balls to enter it at first, but there is this theory that if you expose yourself to a brief but very intense shock, you will feel much more relaxed and happy for the rest of your day. And the science backs this up. It's kinda like your body is telling you "wohoo you survived and all other worries are tiny tiny problems now!' so you walk around with a banana on your face. It is like with Auschwitz survivors they all lived to around 100 years old with perfect health because they went through a brief period of shock. What does not kill you, makes you stronger.
Below your head, on the physical level your blood circulation works perfect, all your tissues are properly nourished and long term you rip off some health benefits. If you think about this, many of our great- or even grandparents did not have warm water and for the entire human evolution we used to interact with water that felt cold. When I see my girlfriend pour a boiling hot bath and then soak in it for hours and then seek more comforting stimuli, pleasure and laziness - I am so glad to take a quick cold shower after the gym and feel energetic all day