Malaise wrote:
Spam is supposed to stand for Short, Pointless, Annoying Messages. I think the problem comes when one member posts a lot of topics that don't add too much but take up room on the front page, so that their posts get significantly more space than those of the rest of the forum.
Oh hi. You rock! Thanks! I grew up in the dial up age and early email and "Spam" was annoying ads and Nigerian princes send be $5,000 dollar emails.
I didn't know in the context of boards that spam was (Short,Pointless,Annoying Messages.) That makes a lot more since now!
I hate being old going on 30 and I didn't know what "spam" meant to this generation (never heard it used as an acronym like that.
Plus the hip swear words that the teens use now a days am I 60 or going on 30 LOL!