You have to have an image on the web. Cut and copy it's img tag and either post it in the mesage or click the photo link above and post the img tag (sentence of location) in the popup box. Then click 'preview' to see if it took.
Photobucket is a free service that you can upload photos from you photo file in your documents folder (or anywhere on your computer where've you've saved them, really) to the service.
Below the photos, once you've saved them to the photobucket service, is a series of sentences you can select in blue and then 'cntrl C" (saving the sentence to cyberwherever until you paste by "hold 'CTRL V'
Im not very astute but that is how I do it.
It's all just so very laborous. free service.
"I'm sorry Katya, my dear, but where we come from, your what's known as a pet; a not quite human novelty. It's why we brought you.... It's nothing to be ashamed of, my dear, but here you are and here you'll sit."