dcj123 wrote:
When in Rome, do as the Romans do,
Conformity is necessary to a degree for survival,
I'd just like to clarify: for pack animals it's necessary. Even then, virtually every pack animal has "lone wolfs" so it's not some rule written in stone. But if one feels weak, then yes, a group will alleviate that feeling.
I myself, however, find the pack to be against my own best interests and survival instincts-- one of the pack's prime tools for protection is feeding it's own members to predators. So if I'm considered "weak" because of my autism that tells me I'm one of the first to be given up and fed to a predator-- I'll take my chances on my own. I feed myself (not a supermarket, literally growing my own food), I know where water is, I have shelter and can make shelter if needed. The only thing a group would be useful for is protection, but even then you probably only need protection from the group itself since man currently has no natural predators aside from himself.