I am travelling to Turkey how can I avoid getting killed

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Tufted Titmouse
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23 Apr 2015, 8:21 pm

A friend who I trade on ebay for kindly bought me a ticket to Turkey out of the blue. I know Turkey is quite a dangerous country. I have Asperger syndrome. how can i avoid getting myself in trouble?


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23 Apr 2015, 8:28 pm

How well do you know this person?

Turkey is no more dangerous than Canada and France.

Just stay away from the regions that border Syria, Iraq, and Iran.

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23 Apr 2015, 8:28 pm

Don't go there.

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23 Apr 2015, 9:08 pm

Well considering the ticket is being purchased by someone from ebay that seems kind of sketchy...

But if you really want to go, stick around Istanbul/Western Turkey. Learn about the culture and laws before going. Learn simple phrases so you can get around and ask for help if needed. From what I've heard the people are generally friendly and known for their hospitality.


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23 Apr 2015, 9:15 pm

Unless you are on the border with Syria or Iraq you probably don't have anything to worry about. Agree about the ebay thing sounding weird tho, I'd be more worried about that than being in danger in Turkey.


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23 Apr 2015, 9:25 pm

Why in the hell would someone on eBay buy you a ticket to turkey? Smells fishy to me. I wonder of this guy is a drug pusher and needing a mule.


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23 Apr 2015, 9:36 pm

^ I agree. Could it be a trap? I really don't think you should go. Although I believe most people there are good, it's still a somewhat troubled country.


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24 Apr 2015, 3:01 am

I think you shouldn't go, and report the guy to eBay's reporting page.

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24 Apr 2015, 3:28 am

Wow I think that defiantly seems risky. Try and find out as much as possible about him. In my view he is probably part of a gang and wants to use you for a 'job' but I might be wrong. If he a friend of yours then it's a bit safer.

It sounds like it could be quite an adventure though... Make sure if you go that you tell people and have an extensive and well thought out back up plan. The fact that he gave it to you out the blue on ebay seems dodgy tho.

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24 Apr 2015, 3:52 am

Definitely go - the Turks are cool

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24 Apr 2015, 4:08 am

xenocity wrote:
Just stay away from the regions that border Syria, Iraq, and Iran.


But seriously, use common sense. Avoid shady areas and shady people and you should be fine.

Guns are not legal in Turkey for civilians, however that doesn't mean that some shank wielding maniac won't come after you.

Also, ISIS. ISIS began from the remnants of Al Quada. Basically, the small remainder of Al Quada that remained after the U.S. left Iraq went to Syria and joined Sunni rebels fighting to overthrow the Syrian government. Then, those Sunni rebels joined the small Al Quada force and formed ISIS. Obviously, more Sunni Muslims are joining ISIS all the time. Sunnis have (especially recently) been oppressed by the Shias... especially in Iraq. After ISIS took over multiple Iraqi cities, and effectively obliterated the Iraqi military, they have only grown and spread. Currently, Syrian refugees are trying to find safety (since their government got overthrown)... they can't even stay in their own country. We just have to pray that Israel can hold ISIS off. If ISIS invades Israel, I would guess that the U.S. will provide loads of assistance since Israel is basically the 51st state. ISIS might invade Turkey first though... so watch the news and stuff... because you might want to leave Turkey if that happens. Many former Al Quada members who are now a part of ISIS have extreme amounts of combat experience, they can even organize their troops effectively. This isn't some ghetto guerrilla force, they are more formidable and organized than most people would think. The problem with ISIS is that they are striving for the formation of a new Islamic state, which is why they scare Saudi Arabia so much. This 'new state' vision is a big incentive for pretty much every radical Muslim on the planet, which is why ISIS is only growing. ISIS also isn't made up of morons, they're smart, and they have funding. Rich Sunnis donate to their cause, and ISIS steals and sells oil (and other goods) on the black market. Funding isn't really barring them. Also, even Sunnis who aren't fighting with them pretty much love them since they advocate for Sunnis so much. Yeah... if you go to Turkey, be careful.

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24 Apr 2015, 6:33 am

If a person online randomly bought it for you, I wouldn't take it. They might be luring you into a scam, or worse.


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24 Apr 2015, 6:37 am

Put it in a furnace to avoid getting infected and you won't die.


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24 Apr 2015, 6:42 am

The only danger is that guy who buys you a ticket. Who is he? Why is he interested so much in getting your to Turkey? Have you ever met him face to face?

Who knows, maybe he's realy drug dealer and need to move some drugs abroad with some tourist.

And what about Turkey itself - very good country. Turkish people are rather friendly and mostly peaceful. There are not too many religious fanatics. The only problem is that most of people in Turkey speak only Turkish, even in cities like Istanbul or Ankara.

However I've been to Istanbul several times and had no problems at all. I've been walking all around the city including poor districts in suburbs, had dinners in non-touristic cafes, even had trips to far villages on Bosphorus, near the Black Sea (like Anadolukavagi with ruins of medieval Genoese fortress), and everywhere people were friendly and helpful. Turkish laws are mainly like Eurpean or American, I can't point any specific islamic limitations so feel free to do things you find appropriate at home.

So again, Turkey itself is safe country - but about that guy who call you there, I'm not sure.

If you'll have any questions about Turkey and particularly Istanbul - write me!

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24 Apr 2015, 6:45 am

You should be fine in Istanbul, but I'd make sure you can trust this eBay person. He could be a drug pusher or a human trafficker looking to take advantage of your naivety.

Sometimes these people are genuine (I enjoyed a nice week in New York after someone I'd been doing some work for online bought me a plane ticket and offered to put me up), but ask yourself how much you know about his life, and why he would be buying you a ticket out of the blue. Maybe involve your parents or someone else that you trust.

r84shi37 wrote:
After ISIS took over multiple Iraqi cities, and effectively obliterated the Iraqi military, they have only grown and spread... We just have to pray that Israel can hold ISIS off. If ISIS invades Israel, I would guess that the U.S. will provide loads of assistance since Israel is basically the 51st state. ISIS might invade Turkey first though... so watch the news and stuff... because you might want to leave Turkey if that happens...

I don't think this is a realistic picture at all. ISIS have only lost territory since August. There isn't much chance of them reaching Israel or Turkey unless something major happens.


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24 Apr 2015, 6:51 am

peopleusedtospitatme wrote:
A friend who I trade on ebay for kindly bought me a ticket to Turkey out of the blue. I know Turkey is quite a dangerous country. I have Asperger syndrome. how can i avoid getting myself in trouble?

Wait----is this "friend" ON eBay----or, is it an in-person friend? Either way, it doesn't sound "proper", to me! I mean, why Turkey? Have you ever said you've always wanted to go, or something? It just sounds really strange, to me. I mean, I would think if the person was a TRUE friend, they would've asked where you want to go. People just don't give gifts, of such great value / cost, without expecting something in return, IMO.

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