You know, I thought this was going to be a thread about whether Batman had aspie traits. He kind of does, to me anyway. To wit:
Prefers being alone. Okay, Alfred is always around, but that's not what I mean. Alfred's more of a caretaker than a social buddy. Does Bruce Wayne even have friends?
Extreme focus and singlemindedness on getting things done. Crimefighting. Spent ten years in the Himalayas learning obscure fighting techniques.
Extreme creativity. Batmobile, Bat cape, Bat signal, Bat-a-rang, Bat copter, Bat hooks, Bat this, Bat that.
Eccentric. What grown man cosplays all night long?
Secretive. Just who is The Batman?
Stoicism. Batman's seriousness makes Mr. Spock look like a circus clown.
Side note: Ahh. It feels SOOO nice to be able to speculate on whether a made-up character is autistic without the blasted comments from the WP Emperor of Autism.