Here's a short but true story that just might reconcile you:
My grandfather was a building engineer (for all I know not an Aspie), and when the family moved to a new house, he began laying plans for a terrace in a corner of the garden: He drew, calculated, planned etc. so maticulously you'd think he was designing a critical part of a nuclear power plant!
At some point, his daughter (a.k.a. my mom) took a quick glance at the plans and drawings on grandfather's desk, end exclaimed something to the effect that "It looks like a stopping-site for buses or trolleys" -- from then on, that terrace was always referred to as the "stopping site" (in danish: "stoppestedet"). Later on she even managed to acquire a sign plate like the ones used by the trams then in service in Copenhagen, and placed it at the "stoppested" in the corner of the garden.
That was about a half century ago, but grandfather did a good job; it's still there today, visible on Google's map...!
To get out of the "humdrum", take a look at what you've designed: If it's more or less guaranteed to hold up even should your mother one day approach the five hundred pound mark or move a lot of furniture or other heavy stuff out there, get it over with and start building the thing.