Psychiatric hopsitals - Not told
Why do mental health professionals don't tell about psychiatric hopsitals? They claim it is safe. So why the secret? Someone told me that they lock you up in a room or you not able to leave the hospital. You are confined in this one area. Someone could be psychologically damaged by it. So how is it good for the person? Isn't that cruel and inhumane? Does it make it right? They make you take your meds or inject them or hold you down.
I asked once to a case manager. He told me he use to work with mentally ill people in a hospital. I asked him what they did. He told me that they had groups. He didn't tell me about the dangerous part or how they get there. I did read much much later, maybe a few years how someone gets there. Doesn't that mean most or every mentally ill person dangerous? Anybody out there can be dangerous and they don't have to be mentally ill. Should we all be confined?
Why they claim to go get help? if you don't pay, counselor won't help you. So why they tell people get help? I heard on the news and they keep emphasizing getting help. What happens if nobody helps you?
What would be the last resort that they do if lets say that someone does take meds, see a doctor, and go to counseling and they need more help than that? What else can they do besides those three things? Isn't that the same thing in the hospital where you do these things except you live on your own or like those community living programs?
Is the hospital consider the last resort or what else?
Just saying if people not getting much help or not enough.
I know this is alot but maybe you guys can separate in questions or in paragraphs. THanks.