I am usually not bothered by homeless people. No hobos around Indy that I know of.
Usually, I just say "sorry" and go on. Occasionally, I give something, but not often. There are times I have actually wanted to help, but my budget is very limited at this point.
There used to be a lot of pan handlers at the bus stops but a recent city ordinance put a stop to most of that. Now the people go elsewhere and move around more.
What I find really strange is when an old lady (70+) with carrier bags and an old shopping trolley approaches and asks "Do you have a few dollars? I need to buy food for my children."
Also, I get the old "My car ran out of petrol at such and such place and I need money to get more."
One man asked me this, but he made me really suspicious because the crossroads he mentions where his car died was not an intersection a well dressed white man would walk in at 11:30 in the evening, certainly not to the city centre from.
Two strange bus incidents I recall are:
1- Besides myself there was one other man on the bus. I was toward the back. He approached, took out a small plastic container of some white substance. He showed it to me and said "I know you want some. It'll make you feel real good." I said emphatically, "no, thank you." and quickly moved to the front near the driver. He then left me alone, as the driver would radio for the police.
2- Sad, but slightly humourous...I was on a crowded bus in early evening and this young black lady suddenly stood up and started singing "I love being black. Everyone one should be black..." and somewhat twirling around. Then she started asking people, black and white "Do you like being black?" She got to me. I simply played along with the poor soul and answered "Yes." She kept on. Then back to her sing song. Another older black lady shook her head and rolled her eyes. She turned to me and said "She does this every everytime she gets on this bus!" Finally after 20 minutes she got off. You could hear the sigh of relief on the bus at that point.
For those who don't know, the Big Issue (printed in the UK) newspaper is put together by homeless people. It basically deals with issues pertaining to the down and out and other similar issues. It helps them earn some cash.