If you could make... (Final Fantasy-ish)

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09 Jan 2007, 2:28 pm

I know RM just made a topic similar to this one, but mine is different (and thus not spam) because of what it's about!

Now, I want you to make a character that expresses you. First, choose a persona. Is your character cool and tough, small and cute, quiet and reserved, or what? Use detail to describe who your character is, and why he/she is this way.

Next, choose an appearance. The character's appearance should match his/her persona; I mean, it'd be wierd to see Cloud with a blouse on wig on, wouldn- Oh wait, no, it wouldn't be wierd... OK, bad example. But you know what I mean, I KNOW you do!

Third, choose a job class. You should probably have done this before choosing an appearance, because your job class kind of dictates the type of weapons and armor you would use. You can choose any job class, whether it be from Final Fantasy or of your own design, so long as it would fit in a low-technology world.

So? I'll post my own character in a little while, I've gotta go... :cry:


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10 Jan 2007, 12:04 am

Double-post, I know, but please forgive this poor fool.


My character is a thoughtful sort of person, usually making a concerted effort to help others in need. He normally acts quiet, but is quite talkative under the right conditions. He harbors a rough past and feelings of guilt over many acts commited in the past, the greatest of which is represented by the scar streaking across his chest. Still, despite his many trials and tribulations, he remains a kind-hearted individual with a love for life. His favorite food is roast beef; he doesn't eat much else. He likes calm breezes, the soft sound of a minstrel performing, and the chill one gets from jumping into cold water. His least favorite food is spinach, and he dislikes cruelty and wanton destruction.

Ceallach is a self-proclaimed Swordmaster, which is evidenced by the seven swords he always has with him. Each sword hails from a different region, and each bears its own unique inscription. He is just over 6' tall, and weighs 240 lbs. His wavy hair is slightly below shoulder length, black with several bright silver streaks. His face has darkened somewhat from extended travel under the sun, though his tan is only slight. His most grabbing feature is his deep blue, melancholy eyes. Whether intentional or not, he has drawn a number of women to him with his eyes, though he his wanderlust has never let him settle down. The only other distinguishing feature on his person is the large scar on his chest, which is lighter in tone than the rest of his skin. He refuses to admit where it came from, but it is somewhat obvious it was a fierce battle from which he likely did not emerge the victor. He wears all light-weight clothing, to facilitate his movement in battle. He has a light bluish undershirt and a dark blue cloth coat, as well as dark blue cloth pants. As a necessity of his lifestyle, he is a fit man; his less-than-amazing muscular structure belies his true strength, for as he says, "It is not in one's size, but how one uses it."

The Swordmaster is, of course, a class of my own design (mostly). The Swordmaster cannot use any weapon besides his blades (and his fists, if he is trained in this) to fight. Axes prove too large and unwieldy, Spears are too long and flexible, and one does not use the Bow at its best. This would normally limit a soldier in terms of effectiveness, except for the Swordmasters' special abilities: each sword he carries bears a different ability which replaces or reproduces the effects of another weapon. The higher the Swordmaster's level, the more swords he can use. Ceallach, who is a fairly experienced warrior, can use seven. His swords are as follows:

Caladbolg - This sword functions normally; rather than using it to replace another weapon, he uses his power to strengthen the blade itself. While it is his most powerful weapon, it isn't always the most effective.

Masamune - A katana forged by a master smith, Ceallach uses this sword to create a barrier around himself. This replaces the shield, making it a valuable weapon indeed.

Tyrfing - A legendary sword taken from an old god, this sword may be extended to become the longest sword in Ceallach's arsenal. This replaces the spear, making it ideal for hitting out-of-range enemies and attacking foes from mid-range.

Durandal - The sword of a great knight, this heavy blade can inflict massive blows on close-range foes. This replaces the axe, so it is useful to crush foes' armor or, perhaps, their bones.

Chrysaor - A golden sword used to defeat Titans, this blade fires a non-elemental blast from its tip. This replaces the bow, allowing Ceallach to attack faraway enemies.

Zulfiqar - A two-pronged scimitar that can cut through the wind, it has a special cloth attached which makes it ideal for spinning and launching at enemies. This replaces the whip, allowing Ceallach to catch an enemy's weapon or deal damage from a short distance.

Kusanagi - An ancient blade taken from the tail of a mighty serpent, flames follow in its trail when it is swung. This allows the user to use some fire magic, useful against fire-weak enemies.

Obviously, he cannot use all these swords at once. At most, he can wield one sword in each hand; however, he cannot take the benefits from two swords at once. For example, if he were to use Caladbolg and Masamune, he would likely attack with Caladbolg (it being the stronger of the two). If the enemy were to attack him afterwards, he would take damage normally. On his next turn, having taken damage, he could choose to attack with Masamune, activating its barrier effect. The enemy would attack him for less damage, while he would have the chance to plan an escape or switch weapons. Switching weapons would take a full turn, enough time to sheathe one and draw another.

To those of you who may be put off by the length of my post, don't be; it's much longer than I intended it to be, and I in no way expect anyone else to invest this much time and effort into creating a character. A character who, I might add, you could see appearing some time in the future...


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10 Jan 2007, 1:20 am

This is somewhat offtopic, but I find that the video game personality that most matches my own is Squall from FF8... I would be much more open to Rinoa though. :wink:


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10 Jan 2007, 1:23 am


That is a blade from the FF series. Sephiroth uses it.

It's also a make of katana.


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10 Jan 2007, 2:12 pm

ahayes wrote:

That is a blade from the FF series. Sephiroth uses it.

It's also a make of katana.

I can assure you, I know of this. Now that you've shown doubts of my knowledge, I find the need to prove myself.

The Masamune was first introduced in Final Fantasy I, where it was one of the most powerful weapons in the game. Almost any character could use it, with the exception (if I recall correctly) of the Black Belt and White Mage. It remained a staple of the series, though perhaps not as noticeable as the Chocobo or Moogle, despite the fact that these both made their first appearances in Final Fantasy III. The Masamune made a comeback in Final Fantasy VII, in which (as you said) it was the sword of the lead antagonist, Sephiroth. It was possible for Cloud to obtain not only a replica of Sephiroth's blade through the Gold Saucer roller-coaster minigame, but also to obtain Murasame, which in Japanese myth was the counter of the Masamune, crafted by one of Masamune's students. While this proved to be the last big show of the Masamune (it falling back into the role of exceptionally powerful, though not ultimate weapon), it has made a number of appearances in other games, both within and without the Final Fantasy universe. It was one of the 4 swords wielded by Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy VIII, for example, giving it a somewhat more important role in that game (especially if the player decided to get Odin).

Moreso than anything else, it is important to realize that the Masamune wasn't just a sword from Final Fantasy. It comes from a legend about a great Japanese weapon smith, for whom the sword was made, whose craft was said to be second to none. He forged weapons to be used by those who would protect the weak, and the sword itself did just that; for, as legend goes, when the Masamune was placed in a river, floating leaves would be gently pushed away from its blade, protecting them from harm. He had a student, whose name was Murasame, that never fully understood the meaning of his teacher's lessons. He felt that blades were meant only to kill, and forged his swords with that intent. His masterwork, the eponymous Murasame, was placed into a river to be tested similarly to Masamune's. As leaves floated toward it, they were split in two by the sword.

All of the swords I used for Ceallach came from legends and myths of various cultures. Though Caladbolg appears in Final Fantasy X, it was first a part of Celtic legend. This weapon was the inspiration for Excalibur, and according to some myths the two are one in the same. Tyrfing was sword of the Norse god Odin, though I also combined it with his spear, Gungnir. The spear was said to never miss its mark, and to return to its owner when thrown. Durandal belonged to Roland, a knight of Charlemagne, and factors heavily into the myths of the Dark Ages. Chrysaor was not originally a sword, but in fact a man from Greek myth; I used this to represent Greek mythology in general. Zulfiqar was the sword of Muhammed and, eventually, his nephew Ali. It was a two-pronged scimitar, as I said, though I took a few liberties with its explanation. Finally, Kusanagi was the blade Susanoo, an old Japanese god, recovered from the vicious Yamato no Orochi, and the name stands for something along the lines of "Grass-cutter". The sword was said to leave a trail of flames when it was sung, so I gave it the ability to cast fire magic.


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10 Jan 2007, 8:35 pm

Augustus Wolfram

An enhanced human. Shadowy, mysterious, sinister, insane, yet wickedly intellectual. Little about his interests and goals is known.
He is known to use two power axes in a berserk fury which causes devastating damage; a high tech combat armour suit with various functions, including camoflauge, healing, and communications; plasma grenades, which are deadly against most foes; A chain saw in close combat; A powerful gauss gun for ranged combat; He is equipped with grav stabilisers and an antigravity jetpack, making him very mobile. The ultimate soldier.

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!


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11 Jan 2007, 1:49 pm

Anubis wrote:
Augustus Wolfram

An enhanced human. Shadowy, mysterious, sinister, insane, yet wickedly intellectual. Little about his interests and goals is known.
He is known to use two power axes in a berserk fury which causes devastating damage; a high tech combat armour suit with various functions, including camoflauge, healing, and communications; plasma grenades, which are deadly against most foes; A chain saw in close combat; A powerful gauss gun for ranged combat; He is equipped with grav stabilisers and an antigravity jetpack, making him very mobile. The ultimate soldier.

While I enjoy the fact that you put in effort, Anubis, what part of this character would fit in a low-technology setting? I thought I had been pretty clear... I mean, how many Knights or Archers do you see carrying around guns and chain saws?


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11 Jan 2007, 2:55 pm

:lol: I didn't know that there were rules... Sorry about that. I just went wild and didn't notice the rules. My apologies again.

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!


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11 Jan 2007, 4:25 pm

CeallachSolomon wrote:
Anubis wrote:
Augustus Wolfram

An enhanced human. Shadowy, mysterious, sinister, insane, yet wickedly intellectual. Little about his interests and goals is known.
He is known to use two power axes in a berserk fury which causes devastating damage; a high tech combat armour suit with various functions, including camoflauge, healing, and communications; plasma grenades, which are deadly against most foes; A chain saw in close combat; A powerful gauss gun for ranged combat; He is equipped with grav stabilisers and an antigravity jetpack, making him very mobile. The ultimate soldier.

While I enjoy the fact that you put in effort, Anubis, what part of this character would fit in a low-technology setting? I thought I had been pretty clear... I mean, how many Knights or Archers do you see carrying around guns and chain saws?

He should carry a GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling gun, although they give one hell of a kickback!

Here's a picture!


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11 Jan 2007, 8:25 pm

Nah, don't want to give him too much to carry. Neither his boosted muscles or combat suit are capable of carrying something so heavy.

Ah, I love A-10 Thunderbolts.

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!


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11 Jan 2007, 8:48 pm

I'm a female Red Mage named RedMage. 'Nuff said. :lol:

CeallachSolomon wrote:
I know RM just made a topic similar to this one, but mine is different (and thus not spam) because of what it's about!

Are you trying to say my topic was spam? :?


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13 Jan 2007, 9:49 pm

Well, for my character...


Not to be confused with the Captain or the fish, Nemo is an assumed name, meaning "Nobody". Who he actually is is a mystery, but wherever he wanders, death and destruction follow. But while trouble follows him, he tries to prevent it. A humourous and sardonic personality belies a heartful of sorrow.


Nemo is a Jack of all trades, and surprisingly, is a master (or at least extremely adept) of many types of magic, even summoning. However, he is also a competent fighter. His nearest FF equivalent is a "Sorcerer" (that is, sword mage), but that is like fitting a circle into an oval hole.


Two. "Thanatos" is a gunblade that can fire various ammunition, including Monroe rounds. His second blade, "Cronos", is not usually used as a weapon. Rumour has it that he can use this blade to move through time and space.

(No longer a mod)

On sabbatical...


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14 Jan 2007, 3:41 am

I have had a fantasy about an alter ego. That alter ego is Merithae Espra Dragunae. Once a Dragun charged with protecting the Great Council, now seeks to destroy it for the evil that has seeped into it. Married to Espra Merithae Dragunae at the age of five and shares a psychic link with her. Draguns are the ultimate warrior. Their skill is absolute and are among the few in the universe who can seamlessly control magic with their emotions. Merithae's soul is fused with the three souls of the crimson sages, once the most powerful of all Draguns. Merithae now sleeps on Earth, waiting to be awaken.

He fights with three swords. One of them is a standard issue Celcian blade, a katana of exceptional length. Another is a standard issue Reabeana blade, it is as long as the katana, but perfectly straight with the tip beveled at a 45 degree angle. These to blades are used at the same time in either hand. Merithae also carries the double pole blade: Drogodun. Drogodun is a foot in width and is 12 feet long. Two poles protrude from the handle and blades are attached so the sword as a whole is double edged. Merithae uses Drogodun to handle the big stuff.

Reabeana is a rebel world that broke away from Celcia when it left Earth. Reabeanans now occupy a deep dark corner of the universe that is treacherous and difficult to find. Unknowing to Celcia, Reabeana's technology is several generations ahead of Celcia, though it has no real armada.

Celcia, with it's leaders now evil, will invade it's home planet after millennia of isolation from it. Merithae will wake up in the body of one of Earth's inhabitants and create an alliance between Reabeana and Earth that will produce an armada capable of warding off Celcia. Merithae will then take the Phoenix and a band of Draguns no longer loyal to the Great Counsel and fight the evil that corrupted Celcia. Many scars will be left upon the universe and from one of the battles a new star system will spew from nothingness and in time become the capital system of a new Celcia.

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17 May 2007, 6:50 pm

Can someone delete this message?

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