Starbuline, no one was being a c**t. You are getting way off track.
I accept that my first response was possibly not very tactful. So let me try again. It seems some of the posters in this thread and in others I have seen, have the attitude that behaviour can not be changed at all. That somehow because you have asperger's it should be possible to ask people to stop acting according to their nature and be perfectly accomodating. This is silly and if you truly beleive this then you are basically doomed to an extremely poor quality of life.
In all honesty, when I was 16 or so, I had the exact same problem that immortalwarrior here is having. Yet somehow it is no longer an issue. How is this possible? Did the world suddenly accomodate me? Did social norms suddenly and magically change to suit me? NO. I learned how to interact on a higher level and I did it the hard way by trial and error. Sometimes I wish I would have had the opportunity to have this site availible to me when I was younger. Then sometimes I don't too, because I would have become confused by the utterly ridiculous advice many people enjoy giving out. I have come to the conclusion that it is useless to come to this forum to find out how NT behaviour works. I mean think about it, it's full of people who don't get it at all and the ones that have allowed themselves to develop get drowned out by the ridiculous comments.
So in further analysis of the situation, immortalwarrior needs to learn how to behave in a way that does not push people away. He can do this by reading books and asking the exact same question on an NT Message board where he will get some sensible answers. immortalwarrior , mate you may have to endure the odd laugh on the NT boards but it will be worth it in the long run. The girl in this story did nothing out of the ordinary and don't people need to be angry at her. She was actually being nice about it, I know a lot of people that would straight up say PISS OFF. I sincerely hope you attempt to learn from this immortalwarrior , and attmept to make changes to your behaviour that will lead you to greater happiness in future. I have done it. You can too.