What Myers-Briggs type do I seem to be?
I've gotten different results in the past on the test and wanted the opinion of someone who knew the test fairly well. Here's some information about me that will help you figure out an answer potentially:
* I love pondering new possibilities for things. For example, if I'm reading a story, I almost always will think something like: "I really like this story, but I wonder what would happen if the main character did this instead of that?", and will devise entirely new fanfictions based on my alterations to the story. I usually discuss these alterations with people to receive feedback.
* I tend to find symbolism and connections in things that are seemingly unrelated. For example, I was watching a movie recently that took place in modern times about a boy exploiting another boy's suicide. I connected the modern day story with that of Jesus Christ, Superstar, which takes places in ancient times, by connecting several related, but not at all obvious points. (The christ-like figures have long hair, someone creates a cult around them that influences people, yadda, yadda). Another example would be how I analyzed how I analyzed Walter White's facial hair in Breaking Bad and how his different hair/facial hair styles represented his current moral alignment. (Head hair meaning concealment of evil, most of his face being exposed means he's honest, the mustache means moral ambiguity, when he loses his head hair, his evil begins to be exposed, his growing goattee means he's concealing his intentions far more, growing the beard in combination with regaining hair means evil tapers down while he's manipulative to accomplish heroic goals.)
* I panic whenever there's even a slight possibility of disaster occurring. As such, I make it my priority to create a hundred and one different backup plans to ensure that I'm prepared for the future when it comes. I don't like to be unprepared and exposed to potential danger.
* I find living in the moment reckless and dangerous. For example, while I like fast cars and motorcycles, I tend to be very measured in how I use them, always wearing a seat belt/helmet and only going very fast if not many, if any, cars are on the road, always using turning signals, always using a GPS, etc.
* I love wordplay and the idiosyncrasies of language and the many ways that the English language can be manipulated. I love puns and am able to make seemingly unrelated connections in language. I also love metaphors and make them frequently when trying to make a point. ("Of course you don't look as fat anymore! You were a whale and now you're a walrus! Walruses are smaller than whales! You'd be the physical equivalent to Forrest Gump looking smarter than a brain-dead down syndrome affected baby!")
* I love disproving commonly held beliefs, particularly when my theory turns out to be the truth. For example, I'll often retype characters who are associated with a particular type using evidence for the new typing that is stronger than the dogmatic beliefs. I successfully convinced people that Squidward was an ESFP, not an INTJ and felt smug because I disproved a common myth.
* I have horrific attention to detail. When I was younger, I'd often get questions wrong on tests because I'd quickly read over the question without noticing the easy to miss details. One time when I was 5, I cut my leg and didn't realize I was profusely bleeding until 2 minutes later, because I was busy talking about one of my ideas. I also find detail to be irrelevant and useless if the end goal is not dependent on it.
* I love debating with others, particularly to prove I am right. I also love the notion of challenging commonly held beliefs.
* I love discussing religion, politics, ideologies and philosophies and frequently ask questions related to them. As a kid, I would question why there had to be opposite sex bathrooms and questioned authority if it made no discernible sense.
* I frequently get gut feelings that something will happen in the future and they almost always turn out to be correct.
* I don't like personal conflict and while I hate violating values of my own, I also hate conflict and will reluctantly give in when I know it will preserve the peace.
* I hate being forced to conform for the sake of it.
* While I constantly generate new ideas, I rarely ever finish them.
* While I enjoy physical activity to some degree, I like it more if it's creative, eccentric or based around a concept. I love capture the flag because it reminds me of prison break movies.
* Regarding my inattention to detail, I'm a horrible physical artist. However, I'm an amazing songwriter and like to write songs that have a point behind them. Every single song I write represents a larger idea, whether it's satirical or sincere.
* I often analyze things on a deeper level. For example, I analyzed the song "Come As You Are" as being representative of society's hypocritical mixed messages of being yourself colliding with the inherent conformism in humans, even though there was no hint about this in the song.
* I'm great at thinking of new ideas no one could have ever thought of. For example, I had to hold open a door for many hours one time and I used my sweater to hold the door open by tying it to the fence.
* While I enjoy having deep conversations with people about philosophy, politics, religion and hypothetical ideas, I get REALLY bored with small talk and find it to be idiotic and pointless. However, after spending a lot of time with people discussing interesting things, I need some alone time because I get overwhelmed if I'm with others for too long.
* I only have a small circle of close friends, because I find it exhausting to spend too much time with too many people.
* I have nostalgia for certain things from my past, but only if they were actually good. For example, I love vintage cars and often restore them. However, I also appreciate changes of any kind, because I acknowledge that nostalgia is impossible if the past remains the same. I constantly ponder the notion of nostalgia and whether it is necessary.
What do you think?