BettaPonic wrote:
Anyone have a Betta and if so tell me about them please.
Siamese Fighting-Fish?
I don't have one, but we did when I was a kid. We had two of them, in a bowl with a glass partition between them, so they'd be threatening eachother across the partition. At least that gave them something to do.
There's one thing that I can tell you about them: People keep them in containers that are too small. Likewise for Goldfish. Our Betta-container was much too small for two fish, but we didn't know any better at the time.
A bowl isn't big enough for
any fish.
I don't believe in keeping confined fish or birds, but if you're going to keep fish, at least have a big rectangular table-size tank. And at least several fish, so they won't be bored to death.
But wouldn't it be better to have a dog or cat, so that it won't have to be confined in a small space?
We once had a rat, and it had the run of the house. (likewise our Guinea-Pig later) It could even go outside. It took up residence under the house, but came in to get food, which it took back under the house. One day it didn't show up anymore. We didn't know if it got eaten by a cat, or relocated, or just chose to live entirely outside.