Pugly wrote:
It is always weird when restaurants assume you know options, like what soups or how do you want your eggs or steak... or what kind of bread do you want.
This is the thing that really annoys me; when people expect you to tell them things in their special language, like when you are at the train station and you just want a return ticket and they get in a strop and say 'what do you mean mean return, do you mean a super-saver return?' or in Starbucks when you ask for a white coffee and they get pissed off and say '*sigh* do you mean grande latte? with or without cinnamon, regular or low-fat milk,...'
It is the pure contempt and indignation they express, just because I don't know the bewildering array of opportunities available to me as a Starbucks patron that annoys me the most. They expect you to know their exact operating procedures and if you don't know them and the specific terms they use, they get real angry.
This happened to me in a pub the other week. I noticed that they were selling four-pint jugs of beer which seemed to work out to be the price of three pints so I asked the barmaid for one and she said 'Four-pint jug of Carling...what are you talking about? Do you mean a pitcher?'
As if by calling it a four-pint jug I was confusing her...
Faire est plus digne que seulement étant
Last edited by JakeG on 04 Jun 2007, 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.