DeepHour wrote:
In the Beatles, Lennon was generally regarded as the rebel, Harrison as somewhat 'deep' and mysterious, Starr as the least gifted, albeit quite funny, and McCartney as obviously hugely talented, something of a 'nice guy' though perhaps a bit bland (at least compared with Lennon).
After reading his biography, I can say that McCartney is far from a nice guy. Maybe narcissistic though I think Lennon was narcissistic too.
He constantly ridiculed his band members and wasn't very nice to them because he was very picky about how he wanted some parts played. McCartney actually played secretly snuck in the recording studio and recorded drum parts behind Ringo's back which made Ringo temporarily quit the band.
Considering that my dad has compared me to Paul McCartney when I'm having to deal with other band members, I can at least see where he's coming from though I don't think I ever was as bad as him in some regards(he called one of the members from wings a c*** because he was getting kind of sick of being treated badly).
In the end...damn, I still love Paul; his music is so good, haha!