Today, I want to talk about sailors and why they are awesome.
- They sail all around the world.
- The wrestle with sharks.
- They study marine life.
- They get to ride on whales.
- They hook big marlins.
- Women like them.
- They get to explore the south seas and see the midnight sun.
- They use the stars to navigate.
- They are allowed to swear. In fact, when you are a sailor, swearing is mandatory.
- They measure distances in knots and fathoms. Feet and meters are for landlubbers and scurvy dogs.
- They search for buried treasure.
- Some sailors have super-awesome ninja reflexes, which they use to catch flying fish in mid-jump.
- They are strong to the finich, because they eat their spinach.
- Sailors don't even have to obey the laws of reality the way us landlubbers do. A corncob pipe can be a blowtorch. Spinach can do anything. Anything at all.
Damn. I wish I were a sailor right now.
Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.