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01 Sep 2018, 5:47 am

They can be quite strange at times, and vary dramatically between cultures. Sometimes they can be hard to define. Occasionally I wonder what age rating a film about my life so far would get, I know certain parts about being a particular age would be unlikely to be considered appropriate for that age group (so for example, my experience being a nine year old if it were in a film would not be considered acceptable to show to nine year olds).

15 and 18+ films seem to be fairly similar, except that 18+ tend to be slightly more graphic with nudity. When I started to get into more shows and movies with a 15+ ranking, I was surprised to find out how gory and violent a considerable amount of them were.

In some countries, Steven Universe has an 18+ ranking on IMDb! 8O Have you ever seen a film that you disagreed with the rating? Also, if you were to create a rating system of your own, how would you determine each rating?

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01 Sep 2018, 5:11 pm

Here's a link and post the results when you're finished.

Damn it, I wanted an R! :lol:

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01 Sep 2018, 5:36 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:

I also got PG, despite picking constant swearing (I swear around friends a lot) and dirty jokes. :lol:

Family friendly content right there. /sarcasm.

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01 Sep 2018, 9:42 pm

I made a thread like this with the exact same title about a couple of months ago, except it was mostly about myself being confused with how age ratings have been applied to films over the years. Really violent and dark films like Watership Down, Hunchback of Notre Dame, etc. got a U/G rating, yet films nowadays such as Frozen are rated PG.


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01 Sep 2018, 11:10 pm

I heard that some parents took their young children to see Deadpool and were shocked by how inappropriate it was for the kids. And then the parents actually said, "They should warn us before we actually see the movie, something like some of kind of rating."

You mean, like ya know, an "R" rating? :roll:


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02 Sep 2018, 3:19 am

^ LOL some parents can be thick and also stupid

a good few scenes in SU can be pretty violent or the fantasy sort of way, not like there's blood or rape but, in the way that if you'd imagine yourself being in a characters positonn/shoes, you can at times find yourself thinking "f*****g hell, i'd rather kill myself than be put through this."

also it has lots of depictions of homosexuality and LGBTQ traits for a children's cartoon...understandably if it's going to be aired in an area where the culture does not embrace that, it'll either be censored or rated "old".

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02 Sep 2018, 5:48 am

Kiprobalhato wrote:
^ LOL some parents can be thick and also stupid

Some even took their kids to see Sausage Party, because they thought it would be an innocent cartoon. :lol: :lmao:

Kiprobalhato wrote:
A good few scenes in SU can be pretty violent or the fantasy sort of way, not like there's blood or rape but, in the way that if you'd imagine yourself being in a characters positonn/shoes, you can at times find yourself thinking "f*****g hell, i'd rather kill myself than be put through this."

Especially with the cluster, that thing is the stuff of nightmares. 8O Corrupted gems are also a fairly troubling concept as well.

Kiprobalhato wrote:
Also it has lots of depictions of homosexuality and LGBTQ traits for a children's cartoon...understandably if it's going to be aired in an area where the culture does not embrace that, it'll either be censored or rated "old".

This is true, Steven Universe has never exactly been subtle with such topics. People who have to censor parts so then it is acceptable in their country must find it hard sometimes, in some areas they made Ruby into a guy so then it would be a straight relationship, only for her to show up to her wedding in a dress. :mrgreen: I think Rebecca Sugar most likely had input into that decision. "So, you've made one of my gay characters male have you? Have fun trying to explain this one then". :lol: (Yeah, I know that gems are technically genderless, but they all refer to each other as she and nearly all choose female looking forms and you can't tell me that's unintentional). Although I haven't seen what happened in such versions, I would imagine they'd make a joke about them not knowing what a wedding is, or explain that in gem culture it is custom for the bride to wear the suit, and the groom to wear the dress. Either way, I bet parents weren't too pleased.

Some (or most, in particular cases) episodes have been cut completely in certain countries, so the plot probably doesn't even make any sense there.

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02 Sep 2018, 12:43 pm ... /PG13.html

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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02 Sep 2018, 12:49 pm

Kiprobalhato wrote:
LOL some parents can be thick and also stupid

Given that more parents now are lenient towards their children, it's not surprising. Just a few days ago, I noticed kids at a public library I was visiting (likely no older than eight, maybe nine years old) playing violent games on the computers they were using.

I thought to myself, "Okay, WTH are the parents?!" :evil:

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!