My new flat mate is chinese and, though he is well educated and smart, keeps coming up with WILDLY sexist comments. note: I hardly know the guy.
exhibit a)
someone asked me if I wanted to pursue a business career
he answered IN MY PLACE (like wtf) "no she can't do that"
exhibit b)
he went on a rant about how western women are bossy and eastern women, specifically Japanese, are more attractive to men because they are submissive. He also said in the UK there is more domestic violence (without providing a rationale to this statement which could just be more women report domestic violence. I am assuming his comment was to make it sound like eastern cultures are morally superior or some twisted s**t like that).
Should i (politely) tell him that I feel uncomfortable with him discussing these things and ask him to keep his thoughts to himself? or better not to antagonise him?

Diagnosed with ADHD
Online Autism/ Asperger's Screening = 38 (Autism likely)
Last edited by Gallia on 30 Aug 2018, 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.