Did you ever think Babies "R" Us sold babies?

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13 Aug 2018, 4:05 pm

I saw the front of a Babies "R" Us store when I was little and I thought they sold babies like Toys "R" Us sold toys.


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13 Aug 2018, 6:10 pm

No, but there was a store in my city that had a sign advertising that they sold boys' and girls' clothing, but it looked like it said "We Sell Boys and Girls".


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13 Aug 2018, 6:50 pm

you're not wrong, actually, they in fact sold babies of varying brands and qualities for very competitive prices from 1974 to 2003, when they had to stop as the practice eventually became unprofitable and federal regulations established during the clinton administration began to encroach on he baby manufacturers ability to affordably mass-produce nervous system tissue. (not to mention the arab kidney embargo)

they were usually sold as kits you could assemble at home, though pre-made babies weren't unheard of and could be had for a small premium. you didn't even need a background check.

i'm a k-mart blue light special, personally, though you may have been purchased at a babies r us and not even know it. a lot of people don't know this detail about their past, unfortunately. i know i was devastated when my folks told me on my 18th birthday, though over time i've come to accept it.

maybe ask your "parents" about it.

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13 Aug 2018, 7:37 pm

Kiprobalhato wrote:
i know i was devastated when my folks told me on my 18th birthday, though over time i've come to accept it.

Well you've had it easy, then. I still have to go to therapy twice a week, and that's just for the flashbacks.

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13 Aug 2018, 8:11 pm

There was a bestselling novel when I was a teen titled "The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing".

On the cover was a pic of a native American girl with black hair parted in the middle.

So I deduced that the novel had sumpin to do with the old west, and wild Indians. But I could not make sense out of the title. What it meant. Not that I thought a lot about it, but the rare times I thought about it I kinda figured the story was about White cowboy in the old west who was influenced by American Indian culture and participated in some kind of weird native American dance ritual. Like maybe they had a dance (like a war dance) that was inspired by bobcats or cougars and called it a "cat dance". But maybe he got ostracized back in the White community for being "the man who loved doing cat dancing". That was the least nonsensical way that I could deconstruct the title.

One day it came up in conversation and mom told me that "Cat Dancing" was the name of girl. And it was a love story. Mom got really pissed at me when I told her that I had thought the book was "about a dude who liked to do somekinda crazy dance", and thought I was putting her on. But dang. Thats what the title sounds like it means.


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13 Aug 2018, 10:12 pm

I never thought of that before, but since Toys R Us sold toys, then it would seem only natural that Babies R Us should sell babies. :lol:

It's kind of like, olive oil is made from olives, so what's baby oil made from? 8O

I was an adult by the time I went to a Toys R Us, and I learned when I was still a little kid where babies really come from.


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14 Aug 2018, 12:33 pm

There was also a store called Baby Depot however I knew that they sold stuff for babies just like Office Depot sells stuff for offices and Home Depot sells stuff for home improvement.


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15 Aug 2018, 7:24 am

No, That's not the kind of thing I would've taken literally other than jokingly. I've never heard of that store. but I have heard the term baby stores and even as a little kid I knew they didn't sell babies, but stuff for babies.

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24 Nov 2018, 5:50 pm

I don't think Babies "R" Us existed when I was little.

However, when I was little, before I was told that babies come from their mothers' bodies, I did assume for a while that babies were made in factories.

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24 Nov 2018, 8:03 pm

I thought they sold baby dolls but I only heard of that store a few times. There was never a store around where I lived.

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24 Nov 2018, 10:58 pm

When I was little, I used to think that babies were grown from baby seeds.

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