you're not wrong, actually, they in fact sold babies of varying brands and qualities for very competitive prices from 1974 to 2003, when they had to stop as the practice eventually became unprofitable and federal regulations established during the clinton administration began to encroach on he baby manufacturers ability to affordably mass-produce nervous system tissue. (not to mention the arab kidney embargo)
they were usually sold as kits you could assemble at home, though pre-made babies weren't unheard of and could be had for a small premium. you didn't even need a background check.
i'm a k-mart blue light special, personally, though you may have been purchased at a babies r us and not even know it. a lot of people don't know this detail about their past, unfortunately. i know i was devastated when my folks told me on my 18th birthday, though over time i've come to accept it.
maybe ask your "parents" about it.
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