Due to the decline of traditional culture, there is a misconception with respect to what qualifies as traditional masculine behavior.
There is no such thing as "THE traditional male". There are actually three archetypal forms of traditional masculinity : the warrior, the artist & the scientist. And each have their own characteristics.
The warrior archetype tends to be aggressive, because aggression is a positive trait for warriors.
Artists tend to be artistic, because artistic talent is a positive trait for artists.
Scientists tend to be intellectual, because intellectualism is a positive trait for scientists.
Try to educate a scientist archetype as a warrior, and he will feel out of place.
Try to educate a warrior archetype as a scientist, and he will feel out of place as well.
Both, however, are equally representative of traditional masculinity.
In fact, the traditional male ideal is a man who combines elements of all three archetypes : the "warrior-priest-poet". The "warrior-priest-poet" is a man who has the traits or a warrior, an artist and a scientist all bundled in one person, and who manages to balance them out perfectly.
The very notion that one cannot be a traditional male if one is not aggressive is nothing but a misandric distortion of what true masculinity is really about... and teaching this notion of masculinity can be harmful to men for all sorts of reasons.
Your typical male geek is just as masculine as your typical male football player. They just exhibit a different form of traditional masculinity. You'll find that many Aspies are sorta über-geeks. This means they ARE hyper-masculine. They just exhibit a different form of masculinity than what you find in warriors (or jocks).