* I scooped ice cream into foil, wrapped it up, squeezed it, then ate it. I thought it gave it a nice new flavour.
* I stared at clocks so I could watch the hands move.
* I made up a game/story where I closed my eyes, covered them with one hand, then put my other thumb between my fingers, making sure I wouldn't see it. It was "The Big Thumb," which was a giant thumb that went to every house once a year to make sure everyone was asleep. Anyone who saw The Big Thumb would die immediately. I scared myself with this once, and had to sleep in my parents' bed.
* I looked at signs and pretended I couldn't read them so I could remember what it was like not being able to read. I still do this sometimes.
* I thought photos of people could see me, so I would never get changed near photos. If I embarrassed myself in front of a photo, I waved my hand in front of the person's eyes to erase it from their memory. I was like this for most of my life, and still believe they can see me sometimes.
* Whenever I went to the city, I pretended to put a spacesuit on like the ones astronauts wear, and I put my feet in the middle of every square on the ground, making sure I never stood on any of the edges.
* Until I was 13, whenever my family went to our favourite Italian restaurant, I arranged my leftover ham on my plate in the shape of a clock. It was always about 2:00 PM on my clock, and I did it every time. The person taking our plates away smiled at it.
* I loved water, and I played with toilet water a few times. One time, I remember the water going up to about my elbow.
* At night when the light was out, I could see tiny bits of colour floating around. I thought they were fairies, and I pictured them flying around the house. It made me feel safe.
* I span in circles, even after I was dizzy. It was fun. I started doing it again for a while when I was 12. It was for over 30 minutes sometimes. I would spin one way for a while, then change to the other way.
* I put my head underwater in the bath to pretend I was snorkelling. I imagined tropical looking fish.
* I pretended I could move things with my eyes. If I was in the car and it didn't go in the direction I wanted to go, I moved my eyes to where I wanted it to go.
Sandpiper wrote:
I used to spend ages sitting in the dark in my wardrobe with the door closed.
I have liked doing that ever since I got a walk in wardrobe two years ago. I lay on the floor with the door shut and the light off. I go in there sometimes when my niece and nephew are here and house gets too noisy, and it's good for if I'm feeling anxious or need to cry. It always makes me feel better.
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