Joe90 wrote:
I just get confused, because they say that Aspies are black and white thinkers, but then some threads pop up that discusses a topic that makes it sound as if NTs are black and white or logical thinkers. So it contradicts, and contradictions sometimes confuse me to the point where I need to express my confusion and get answers. I just like closure.
Sometimes when I see one of these threads I'm like, "but it was an NT thing the other day." There was a thread here once saying that Aspies are more closed-minded and judgemental. Then I saw in another thread ages ago that Aspies are more capable of noticing things on people like body weight or whether someone is wearing makeup or not. I mean, in my 29 years experience on this Earth, I have definitely learnt that noticing things on people is strictly an NT thing, and also NTs can be judgemental, probably more judgemental than Aspies, because most judge people who are different, and expect everybody to be the same.
And one time I even read that it's an Aspie thing to read body language.
I get what you're saying. I don't take every observation everyone makes as dead seriously as you do. You don't have to take dialogue on sites like this as gospel. You are yourself are an expert on autism. You can give observations as well as receive them.
I myself am not all of that black and white in my thinking. So I don't related to that "black and white thinking" thing.
Aspies can be very judgmental (look at some of the posts here) in ways that would embarrass the most stodgy narrrowminded NTs. But aspies, being the victims of others casting judgement upon them, can also be forced by life to be very non judgmental.
There are situations in life in which I have been appalled by how lacking in empathy NTs can be ( and I don't mean empthy towards ME, I mean empathy towards common third parties we all deal with on the job). I had running argument with a coworker about an issue in which the coworker willfully refused to use very obvious commonsense about getting into the heads of others ( theory of mind- ya know- what I as an aspie am not supposed to have, but NTs supposedly do have) to deal with a certain issue. Long story.
I guess that I am just saying what DanielW above is saying.