In the Eighties I sold a bottle of Pepto Bismol to Howard K. Smith ( major TV newscaster and veteran reporter - competed with Kronkite and Severid- like Dan Rather today) when I worked as a clerk at a drugstore. He did look rather pale at the time.
At the same store I rang up a roll of developed photographs to a middle aged Black lady. We looked over the pics, together and I noticed a number of her pictures had then president WH Bush shaking hands with Aretha Franklin at an event at the Whitehouse. I exclaimed, about it and then asked...and she said in a weary blase' voice "yeah, Aretha Franklin is my sister".
I learned later that Aretha used her three sisters as back up singers in many of her hit records. So...that lady's voice is on many tracks in my record collection (as well as that of her famous sis).
Conservative pundit George Will interjected into a conversation to correct something we were talking about when he was two tables away at a café. I said "hello, and thanked him".
I almost shook hands with Chuck Brown, "the Godfather of Go-Go". Was standing in line only a few persons away at the shopping mall. But didn't have cash on me to buy a CD for him to autograph, and I was already late for work. Darn!
My photographer sister meet the POTUS and British royalty at a environment summit. I yawned as she talked about it, but got excited when she said she met David Attenborough - because I had just seen his epic documentary "Life on Earth". The next day sis got me an autographed copy of the book based on the series.