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Mountain Goat

Joined: 13 May 2019
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23 Jun 2019, 6:55 am

In the past I have been a bit of a collector, or more precisely a hoarder, though hoarding always had a plan and a purpose. However, now I am in my 40's I am much more sensible. I have things I had forgotton that I had, and other things that are too good to throw away but finding someone who wants them... Umm. Not easy.
So I am having a clearout... A few years ago a thought came to me... What would happen if my Mum dies? What would I do with all my stuff? It hit me that I would not know what to do, so I am being rather more sensible. Keep sensible things I use or am hoping to use... And find new homes for the rest. Oh... And chuck the things that are beyond repair! Get everything in order... Who knows.. If I die in future years valueable things would end up going to the tip because no one has the patience to sort through things... And for my own sake of dinding the things I need it is a good idea... And if I move house in the future, the less things there are to move the easier it is.
I am not someone who values things because they are gold or something like that. For me they need to have a prctical value. Something I can use or admire, if that makes sense... I am, however, practically minded, but my organization skills are excellent at a workplace, and I have earned a reputation for this, but at home... Well. It is hard work as I tend to get blockages at times... The number of times I ho to tidy up and organize and just stand there and my mind goes completely blank unable to think at all... But if I approach the task from a sideways angle... I can do it, or at least make some headway into it. And this is how I am tackling it today. My brother needs some hooks to hang things up like strimmers etc. Somewhere I have some.. While I am looking I am on tangents sorting through other stuff and making progress... Even though I have not found the hooks!
However, if I went to go to tidy up directly I may risk mindblank, and have to give up trying. It is wierd!