Erewhon wrote:
I believe that armstrong landed on the moon, i even believe that he walked on the moon.
But i am not sure that armstrong landed and walked on the moon. There is a difference between believe in something and know something for sure. Armstrong himself can know for sure if he really went there. Its something like religion, you can believe in it, but knowing for sure is impossible in my view. Ofcourse people can say that they know for sure that Armstrong walked in the moon, i dont believe them.
Right now i wear a red shirt and black socks, you can believe that i wear a red shirt and black socks, but you can never know it for sure.
That i believe that Armstrong walked on the moon, dont answer the question of the topic title if he really walked on the moon.
There could be a little green following you around everywhere you go. He just disappears every time you turn to look at him.
And the fact that none of your friends, relatives, nor coworkers, ever points him out to you is because....they are ALL in on the conspiracy to keep you in the dark about that little green man!