"Infecting" others with our special interests :)

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07 Sep 2019, 11:23 am

Do you ever try to infect others with your obsessive interest when you are having one? :) Not just talk about it but make them share it with you. I remember that once - maybe like ten years ago - when I was going through a contestmania phase (I have contests as my special interest now as well), I convinced our local librarian to participate in contests as well and she did get into the swing of it indeed, starting to enter online contests, too. I don't know if she won something, though. And what about you? Do you ever try to convince someone to get involved in your obsessive interest, too? :)


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07 Sep 2019, 12:35 pm

My special interests have usually been things I do by myself like playing with Legos when I was little, listening to music, watching TV, playing video-games(NOT online gaming), spending tine on computer doing things like posting on web forums(like this one), & my current girlfriend, both my exes & a celeb crush. About the only time I pushed others to join my special interest with me was when I DJ'ed for an online radio station for a short time. I posted about it on the forums I went to & tried to stir up ratings for the station as well as my segment. I tried to spend a lot of time with both my exes when we were together & I still try to spend a lot of time with my current girlfriend. I'd also really like to spend some time with my celeb crush but I never figured out a way to even talk to her let alone meet her so I'm stuck.

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
~King Of The Hill

"Hear all, trust nothing"
~Ferengi Rule Of Acquisition #190
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07 Sep 2019, 8:51 pm

Yep. Its great :mrgreen:

One special interest a couple of years ago was hand lettering. I love it still, and do it all the time and post my works on my instagram and sell canvases and custom orders etc.
I was so into it, I brought my notebook to class and would work on them instead of paying attention to the teacher. My teacher and I struck a deal that Id get to teach a class on hand lettering and in return the notebook would stay in my backpack during normal class. I got a couple other classmates hooked on it and they love it too now!

My best friend is usually pretty indulgent and will join me for little projects or at least tolerate me spamming her dm with whatever my latest obsession is and ranting about it whenever we hang out.
I usually have pretty good luck getting a couple people at least interested in my more "normal" and harmless interests. Even my mom will sometimes look into them.

I recently became obsessed with making a walstad method fish tank. While I waited for it to cycle, I started trying to spruce up my other tanks and move to live plants only through different methods. My mom became so interested in them, she wanted me to create a little jar nano tank for her to keep a betta in for the kitchen!
Even now, she looks after my two tanks I left at home. She replaced the filter on the babies tank, and even bought them a snail while Ive been away. I never thought Id see the day my MOM would voluntarily buy a SNAIL. :lol:

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08 Sep 2019, 9:09 am

I talk about cats to my fellow cat loving friends.


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08 Sep 2019, 8:04 pm

I don't enjoy any of my special interests anymore. :(

And I'm embarrassed of all the times I tried to "infect" others with them before I was diagnosed.