Sweetleaf wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Peter Fonda explains the then new term to Jack Nicholson over a campfire in the 1967 movie "Easy Rider". And it soon caught on, and spread beyond the counter culture. And now all Americans address male workmates with "hey dude". Men and women alike will call men "dudes".
Oh....that's what that movies called.
Anyways, if I recall there is a very interesting acid trip scene in that movie, never saw the whole thing...as I turned it off when my mom came home because I thought she'd disapprove of the drug use I was like 14 or 15 when I was watching it.(of course she had no problem with me listening to pink floyd even though a good amount of the songs are about psychedelic drugs so maybe she would not have cared if I was watching that movie) I recall the acid trip part and the part after the campfire talk where jack nicholson's character gets killed. But yeah never was able to see the rest since I couldn't remember the name of the movie.
Yes, they trip on acid in a cemetary in New Orleans, as I recall.
It came out when I was 12 or 13 in theaters, so I was too young to see it. Movies in general were changing and would soon have to evolve the now common rating system (before 67 all movies were for general audiences essentially). Everything changed in 67. I had the sound track album- various bands of the time - loved the Steppenwolf song "Born to be Wild", but never actually saw the movie until decades later. My parents sneered at the movie. But your mom is probably of the hippie generation that identified with the movie. She prolly woulda watched it with you. Lol!