Walpole prison... The America's Trucker school LOL
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 23 Oct 2019
Age: 38
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My sister crossed the street right in front of a moving truck today...
She told me that he's got brakes...
I told her to get rid of that attitude.. Right now.
She asked me why..
And I told her this...
Just because he's got brakes doesn't mean that he'll use them or that they even work or that there properly set up and maintained.
You know what the biggest truck driving school in America is ?
It's Walpole prison.
They go in one side as wife beaters and rapists and woman beaters and pickpockets...
And they drive out the other side in the driver's seat of a Peterbilt.
With a United Truck Drivers of America union card.
That's truck driving, in America.
So don't underestimate American truck drivers, or overestimate their socialability, charity or professionalism.
There is no "Walpole Prison". There is only the "Massachusetts Correctional Institution -- Cedar Junction" or "MCI-Cedar Junction", which is a maximum-security correctional facility for men. It used to be called "Walpole", but not since the 1970s.
The inmates housed at MCI-Cedar Junction are placed according to their custody level. There are ample educational and vocational training programs for all inmates, especially ones that show a willingness to learn new things that will prepare them for a better life when they are released. The mission is to promote and prepare the offender to leave in better shape than when they arrived, giving them the best chance to never come back and thus lower the state's recidivism rate.
After a specified period of time following an inmate's initial arrival into the prison system -- usually twelve to sixteen weeks -- an inmate will appear before the Classification Board, which will determine or recommend both a security rating and an institutional placement. The Classification Board will also make treatment recommendations designed to address the factors which may have led to commission of a crime. Participation in programs including substance abuse treatment, academic instruction, vocational programming, and counseling have done much to help offenders being the reintegration process.
Programs Available at This Facility
Anger Management: Volunteer facilitated program designed to help inmates identify and begin to deal with the root causes of their anger. This program is facilitated at MCI Cedar Junction.
Celebrate Recovery Program: A volunteer facilitated discussion oriented program designed to help inmates learn the steps necessary to break the cycle of addiction and have hope and faith towards long-term sobriety and serenity. This program is facilitated at MCI Cedar Junction.
Christian 12-Step: DOC Chaplain facilitated AA & NA program that incorporates Christian principles. This program is facilitated at MCI Cedar Junction.
Deep and Simple Group: Volunteer facilitated program based on the books "Deep and Simple" and "We're All Doing Time" by Bo Lozoff. It is a discussion-orientated program that is intended to help inmates come to terms with longtime incarceration as well as develop a sense of purpose and self-worth. The program also encourages the pro-social development of spiritual growth. Inmates who are aware of their own anger and substance abuse issues are targeted for participation. This program is facilitated at MCI Cedar Junction.
Emotional Awareness and Healing: Volunteer coordinated program designed to foster emotional and spiritual growth and promote responsibility and accountability toward ones self and others. Inmates are also taught skills to reduce disruptive behavior. This program is facilitated at Bay State Correctional Center, MCI Cedar Junction, MCI Concord, MCI Shirley, North Central Correctional Institution, North Central Correctional Institution -- Minimum Unit, Northeastern Correctional Center and Souza Baranowski Correctional Center.
Fitness Program: Volunteer facilitated, in cell video program designed to provide inmates with fitness education and enhance physical wellbeing. This program is available at MCI Cedar Junction.
Heart to Heart: Staff facilitated program designed for the inmate to look within himself, understand his feelings and learn how to communicate from the heart to others. This program is facilitated at MCI Cedar Junction
In-Cell Video Program: Staff coordinated program for which a comprehensive video library has been established to enable inmates to access substance abuse, life skills, anger management and other programming. This program is available a MCI Cedar Junction.
Jericho Circle Project: Volunteer facilitated group that targets a variety of criminogenic risk factors that are pre-cursors to criminal behavior in an effort to develop integrity, accountability and emotional intelligence. This program is facilitated at MCI Cedar Junction and Bay State Correctional Center. This program is facilitated at Bay State Correctional Center, Bridgewater State Hospital and MCI Cedar Junction.
New Freedom Program: An educational and therapeutic substance abuse and behavioral health in-cell study program which addresses coping skills, risk factor management and relapse prevention. This program is facilitated at MCI Cedar Junction.
Parent Support Group: Volunteer facilitated program, designed to help the inmate improve family and parent/child relationships through a greater understanding of self and the dynamics of the relationships in the family. This program is facilitated at MCI Cedar Junction.
Prison Fellowship Basic Bible Study: Volunteer facilitated Bible Study session for the purpose of providing inmates with opportunities for spiritual growth and health This program is facilitated at MCI Cedar Junction.
Prison Fellowship Fatherheart: Volunteer facilitated program designed to assist inmates in developing the skills needed to improve their relationships/develop healthy relationships with their families using Holy Scriptures. This program is facilitated at MCI Cedar Junction.
Last edited by Fnord on 01 Nov 2019, 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
There IS a Walpole Inc., located in Alabama and Florida, but not in Massachusetts (where the aforementioned prison is located). They have very strict hiring practices:
• Minimum 23 years of age; and
• Minimum 2 years of verifiable tractor-trailer experience or minimum 2 years of combined tractor-trailer / straight truck experience; or
• Minimum 1 year of tractor-trailer experience pending special approval and 100 hours of training with company representative; and
• 10 Year employment history – any gaps in employment must be explained
General Requirements:
• Must be able to pass DOT physical and Drug Screen
• No positive drug screens or refusals
• No felony convictions involving a commercial vehicle in a lifetime
• No non-CMV felony convictions within the last 5 years
• No CMV-related felony convictions ever
Where did you get the idea that a non-existent prison has its own truck-driving school?
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 23 Oct 2019
Age: 38
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Location: Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
• Minimum 23 years of age; and
• Minimum 2 years of verifiable tractor-trailer experience or minimum 2 years of combined tractor-trailer / straight truck experience; or
• Minimum 1 year of tractor-trailer experience pending special approval and 100 hours of training with company representative; and
• 10 Year employment history – any gaps in employment must be explained
General Requirements:
• Must be able to pass DOT physical and Drug Screen
• No positive drug screens or refusals
• No felony convictions involving a commercial vehicle in a lifetime
• No non-CMV felony convictions within the last 5 years
• No CMV-related felony convictions ever
Where did you get the idea that a non-existent prison has its own truck-driving school?
It's a sarcasm that a hell of a lot of truck drivers are truck drivers because they're alone, not a whole lot of people have to deal with them and they have criminal records.
What's on paper for law abiding citizens and the truth are different realities.
Somebody with no criminal record and a decent personality, who can earn just as much, have a better education and not be alone and not work so much...
And not go though such extremes at work...
Likely will opt for other lines of work.
To the OP:
You might consider contacting one of the moderators here, and politely asking them to delete this thread.
Your original post is so logic impaired on so many different levels that this thread will be a permanently embarrassing blot on your Wrongplanet resume.
So... for your own sake...just euthanize this thread!
Put it out of its misery please!
Last edited by naturalplastic on 01 Nov 2019, 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 23 Oct 2019
Age: 38
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Location: Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
Just because the name changed doesn't mean non existent, anymore than a name change for a person means deceased or never born.
First of all...
How convicts get into truck driving, which helps to make truck stops dangerous places,
Is usually they start out in the mechanics shop in prison where they're exposed to commercial trucks..
And operating heavy vehicles on prison grounds..
And finding a company that will take them after getting out, usually through services provided by the halfway house and the unemployment agency...
They also get a lot of leeway in highly forgiving industries, like fast food and truck driving...
And certain delivery services...
And groundskeeping...
Because of long prison sentences and associated work experiences and job training in prison.
I know this because my sister was beaten to a pulp by such a person..
And I talked to former truck drivers...
And I been in the workforce and seen what kinds of people are in low education jobs that require only a minimum of bare literacy.
The northeast is also more forgiving than the south...
Partly why the northeast is a hit or miss situation about what areas are safe and which are hellholes..
Particularly Philadelphia.... A lot of convicts from the south after doing 15 or 20 years show up in places like Philadelphia that will take them in....
And where they're not expected to be white glove socialites...
And where they can get by as dreadlocks having, 40 ounce beer drinking, pants sagging, pitbull walking, disheveled looking street punks..
That they just can't pull it off, socially in a lot of places elsewhere in the country.
The bit about the prison literally having a truck driving school is sarcasm.
Here's another street fact that I found out about 15 years ago...
At the old mecklenburg prison while it existed in Virginia...
Almost every single one of the inmates who was not in there for life or sentenced to death..
Is in Philadelphia..
In the Northeast...
Because it's a nearby, much more forgiving place than Virginia, at the time of their release from prison.
So, do think that once a person has served his or her time, that he or she should never be gainfully employed again?
Or do you think once a person gets out of prison, he or she should remain jobless (and possibly homeless) for the rest of his or her life?
This kind of vigilante attitude contributes to the high recidivism rate.
Whether you like it or not, there are prisons all over this country, with ex-convicts in every neighborhood and type of business as well.
Get used to it and get over it.
We really should work more towards rehabillitating ex prisoners, but at the same time I don't believe it's right to let a serial killer out of prison after serving only 10 years or less like they do in some countries...
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 23 Oct 2019
Age: 38
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Location: Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
Or do you think once a person gets out of prison, he or she should remain jobless (and possibly homeless) for the rest of his or her life?
This kind of vigilante attitude contributes to the high recidivism rate.
Whether you like it or not, there are prisons all over this country, with ex-convicts in every neighborhood and type of business as well.
Get used to it and get over it.
That depends on what their behavior is like and what they did and whether or not they and their mindset changed.
And no it should never be allowed to be like before the crimes committed.
And no matter what it is my job to keep myself safe.
They're also not in every industry... There are regulations and ethics endorsements in good industries to be in.
Nor are they usually, with exception of course...
In affluent areas.
Its also your job to not walk around harming people or injecting yourself negatively into the lives of those around you.
Not mine to blindly and endlessly forgive, and put myself in harms way doing that.
Its certainly not my job to rely on others to have common sense or decency...
Its my job to function too..
By not crossing in front of a speeding truck.
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