I don't know what other people's experiences were but my experience as a kid was that often I didn't know what I was being told off for. I was just doing what I thought was right/normal. People just seemed to get angry randomly.
It's left me very uncomfortable with anger as an emotion, I usually experience a massive adrenalin dump when people around me get angry, even if its nothing to do with me. I don't like the adrenalin sensation at all. I spend a long time thinking about these events afterwards, trying to decide what went wrong, how I could have behaved differently - I'm rarely happy with the way I behave in these situations because I'm in fight/flight mode and I'd like to be able to stay cooler under that sort of pressure.
In adulthood, I've found it difficult to asses who has the right to tell me off. Some people just assume authority and I sometimes forget to question that. Equally I will question the authority of people who clearly have it.
The world is a big place where things happen almost every day.