lostonearth35 wrote:
I don't know why you call it "celebrating" when you have to eat the same things all the time just because of your religion until you're sick of it. I could care less what my own religion says I should or shouldn't eat. According to it I wasn't supposed to eat at all, or do anything I even slightly enjoyed, for Lent. Whatever, I'm not putting myself in the hospital for starving myself and being miserable for 40 days.
for the jewish holidays which restrict sustenance in some form, it's not anything that is going to do harm to a healthy person. small children, the elderly, pregnant women, and sick people are not supposed to abstain.
from what i thought i knew about lent, it really isn't all that bad...some fasting days and some dietary restrictions. 40 days of fasting would absolutely be unhealthy, i mean, it's not like you're jesus or anything. i know people who will just give up one or two vices like fast food or TV, as well. your religion's take on lent is very extreme, i think!
anyways, if you're not into it then that's totally fine. there is no point in doing it if you don't want to.
but for many people, celebration in the form of eating specific foods/denial of foods, or, "being miserable" is important. every year i somehow forget how difficult it is to refrain from these things, and every year i am reminded how lucky i am to have them