Joe90 wrote:
There are so many school stages in America; preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle school, high school, grade school, freshman, college....
In (most of) .
No. There arent that many. Its just that we have multiple words for the same darn things.
Elementary is the exactly same thing as grade school. You forgot "junior high" which is (more or less) the same thing as "middle school" (except that middle school starts with grade 6, and Junior high with 7). In my day Junior high was the norm, and now middle school is the norm (my old junior highschool is now a middleschool).
Its in college and in highschool where they give you a fancy name for each year you're in.In college it's Freshman (one), sophmore (2), and the rest I forget.
And they also do that with each year in high school. Freshman (1), Sophmore (2), Senior (3). So -with high school Freshman is a redundant word for "tenth grader", sophmore for "eleventh grader", and "senior" for "twelfth grader".
So yes, it is confusing. But no those are not names for that many different things, but are mostly redundant names for the same few things.