League_Girl wrote:
There is usually a confirm button a new page pops up asking you why you are reporting it.
I have hit report buttons by mistake online and you know what pops up? A new screen with why am I reporting it and to select an option or a type screen pops up and I need to select an option and type in a comment about why am I reporting the comment.
Websites admins understand mistakes happen so a new screen will always pop up asking you what is your reason for the report.
I am not sure if that is the case here, I have never hit the report button here because I am used to the old way.
Yep it is like that here thou I've always reported from my desktop so I cant confirm if it works that way with the mobile version of WP but i would assume so if I had to guess. Most of the time i reported because the thread was in the wrong section like a thread about sex was posted in L&D instead of Adult or a thread about coping with autism was posted in Adult when GAD, Haven, Members, &,or Older Adults section would be better. I haven't felt the need to report many members for being a$$holes(like trolling, flaming, spamming) cuz most members here don't want to cause problems(I know seems ironic considering what some NTs say about us but lots of non-autism sites have more problems) & the mods here tend to be on top of things when members start getting out of line. I never really went in the PPR section thou but I hear it's the worst for problems but I'd bet NTs are much worse when they discuss those types of things, look at the way politicians & religious groups hate on anyone who doesn't agree with em.