The urge came over me the other day to make a staff. Maybe staff is the wrong word. It will be a combination of a shepherd's staff and a rod. The Hebrew text mentions two objects carried by the shepherd: a club [rod] to defend the sheep against wild animals and a long pole [staff] to guide and control the sheep. So my urge was to combine the two functions into one tool.
So how do I make it since I never made one before. I think the first step is the choice of wood. On my property I have many trees. One of these trees commonly goes by the name "ironwood". It is a short tree as trees go but it has the unusual property that it has extremely dense wood. If you drop a piece of the ironwood into a bucket of water it will quickly sink to the bottom.
Since it was nice and warm outside today, I went on a scouting mission. I came across several of these trees. They seem to grow abundantly on my property. So I cut off a small branch and took a leaf back with me. I checked the Internet and the tree seemed to match a species of ironwood called "carpinus caroliniana", otherwise called "American hornbeam" or "musclewood". I dropped a segment of the branch into a bucket of water and it immediately sunk to the bottom. The segment of the branch was less than a half inch thick, but it is almost impossible to bend. It is like iron or maybe stronger than Iron because I think I could bend a piece of iron of that dimension with my bare hands.
So if tomorrow is another warm day, I think I will fetch a small tree to begin the process of making a staff.