Depends on the person.
If it's the sole source of one's validation and self esteem and it's for the sake of that alone, it won't be very healthy.
If it's for entertainment sake or business and that happened to be the person's passion, that's usually the most ideal.
There are people whose passion is to socialize, share, systemize or host massive audiences than merely gather followers and attention for ego's sake.
There's a lot of difference from the two.
It's actually different from having been surrounded by people who unconditionally accepts and respects the person in question.
Personally, having many followers is a headache. An even bigger headache maintaining it.
And an even bigger headache playing with the algorithms against one's own terms.
It doesn't matter what the platform is, it's a headache.
Also not all influencers and users with massive audiences leads pleasant lives because of that fame.
Some had gone too far because of that fame.
I know at least 4 ways to have more followers.
2 of which is questionable;
One would involve buying them.
And another would be sharing an already viral content (be it compilation of memes, various children videos, certain reaction videos, famous music, etc) that do not belong to you.
The other 2 is legitimate; like many things, it requires work and luck.
One requires networking. It can range from actual series of socialization, to being a middle/mutual person of mutual interest/s.
Another requires a niche, usually original content that do attract attention out of curiosity or interest.