funeralxempire wrote:
but I'd add a third one. Why would a creator feel the need to be worshipped? Is all creation just an exercise in soothing a fragile ego?
If this God is perfect and complete in and of himself as we Christians say is taught, then he has no fragility in ego or anything else, so, there is by definition a different reason he is worshipped and demands worship.
and since my hands hurt and I'm totally not following doctors orders by being here on the computer, I'm going to refer to other people's writing in hope of shedding some light on the thing,
Of course they come from a view point that there is the God of the Bible, and that he is what he says he is, and that there is an eternal life after this life here.
There is no insecurity in this God. After all, He is the God of aseity. He has no needs. In eternity past, the Father loved the Son, the Son loved the Father, and They were perfectly content. God is not demanding that we love Him so that we can meet the needs of His psychological profile this week. His focus on Himself is not only because He is God, but because, out of love, that is what we need. That is what we must see. That is the point to which our adoration must come. If it does not, we wallow in idolatry again and again and again.
"If there is one truth about humanity, it’s that we know how to worship. Why else do I know more details about Jay-Z’s personal life than I know about my neighbor who lives two doors down the street? We can’t help it. We worship. It’s in our wiring. It’s just a matter of what and whom we worship. It’s critical to get this right because what we worship both reveals the state of our soul and determines the direction of our lives."
Why Do Christians Worship?
Let’s pause. For years, I couldn’t really understand worship. I thought the whole following Jesus deal was about love. Why in the world would the loving God who redeemed me turn around and ask me to worship him? Isn’t that complete arrogance or pride? I mean, that’s what demagogues and dictators do: seek to be worshiped. Why would the God who calls me his beloved child, who wants a relationship with me, start telling me to praise him? That doesn’t sound like a good father.
These questions stunted the growth of my heart. I was so put off by broken displays of power and pride in our world that I withheld worship from God.
Until I had a breakthrough. ...
Why does God demand our worship?
To understand the answer to this question, we must first define worship. Worship means to honor or praise. God is the one perfect Being in the entire universe, completely worthy of worship. Thus He requests, seeks, and demands that His created beings honor Him.
Worship is more than singing; it is a life posture of honoring God through obedience and acknowledgment of His worth. Worship is not an option; it is a command. Even in the last days, Revelation 15:4 teaches that all will worship the Lord: "Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship you, for your righteous acts have been revealed."
Why does God expect worship from people? He is the Creator of all things, including every person (Genesis 1). In addition, God is the sustainer of all life: "And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together" (Colossians 1:17). Further, God has provided a way for salvation through Jesus Christ (John 3:16; Romans 5:8). Plus, God is the only true God (John 17:3). There is no other god, person, or created thing that should receive allegiance in the place of the Lord. He is our Creator, Sustainer, and salvation. God deserves our worship, and we are wise to entrust our lives and our worship to Him. ...
God expects us to worship Him as an expression of reverence and thanksgiving to Him. But God also expects us to be obedient to Him. He wants not only for us to love Him; He wants us to act justly toward each other, to show love and compassion to others. In this way, we present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him. This glorifies God and is our “reasonable service” (Romans 12:1). When we worship with an obedient heart and an open and repentant spirit, God is glorified, Christians are purified, the church is edified, and the lost are evangelized. These are all the elements of true worship.
God also desires that we worship Him because our eternal destiny depends on our worship of the true and living God.
Who deserves worship?
The most important question about worship is this: Who should be worshipped? The Bible shows that people have worshipped angels (Colossians 2:18) and pagan gods (Acts 7:43). It predicts that in the end time the whole world will worship the evil beast and the dragon (Satan) who empowers him (Revelation 13:4,8).
But none of these deserve worship. They are counterfeits, frauds and usurpers. We break the First Commandment if we worship any of these.
Who does deserve worship?
“Worship God!” (Revelation 19:10; 22:9).
When Satan the devil offered Jesus the world if He would worship him, Jesus responded, “You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve” (Luke 4:8).
God the Father and Jesus, the Son of God, are worthy of worship. Speaking of Jesus Christ, Hebrews 1:6 shows that even “the angels of God worship Him.” ... god-want/#
"There are a thousand things that can happen when you go light a rocket engine, and only one of them is good."
Tom Mueller of SpaceX, in Air and Space, Jan. 2011