naturalplastic wrote:
very simple. Twelve has many factors.
Youve got five fingers on each hand. Ya got two hands. So primitive people tend to count on their fingers.
That causes a temptation to base your number system on five, or on ten.
One problem. Ten is ONLY divisible by five, and by two.
But notch your base up to twelve, and ... you got an amazing number that can be divided by two, three, four, and by six. Very convenient for dividing stuff up.
Thats why there are 24 hours in a day. That way the day naturally splits up into three: eight hours for work, eight hours for sleep, and eight hours off.
If it were say, 25 hours, then you you have to sleep 8. 333333 hours, etc. Who needs THAT s**t?
No conspiracies. Just basic arithmetic. Arithmetic that turns into a tradition of numerical memes that survived the millenia in western Eurasian civilizations.
Thank you. I grew up learning decimals, metres, kilometres,100 pence in a pound etc. So found 12s of non-metric very difficult to get my head round. That makes more sense to me now.
Last edited by hurtloam on 01 Jul 2021, 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.