nick007 wrote:
Joe90 wrote:
I must confess, I only wrote this thread as an experiment, comparing it to Jamesy's thread in the social skills and making friends section. It didn't really happen, I just wanted to see if the replies will be any different with the boot being on the other foot (the NT being the ''bad'' guy instead of the Aspie and seeing who the replies here will side with).
I hadn't been in Social Skills section in a long time until now. I read that post & replies as well as the replies here. Without really thinking about it, it does seem to be something of a double standard. However there are some other important differences to factor in besides the Aspie doing it to NTs & an NT doing it to an Aspie. One important thing to keep in mind is that James has a history of going to bars & being social with people there who are not really his friend. No offensive James. In that post he only stated that the people he was with 1st were regulars, he did NOT say that they were his friends. Joe if your post had said that the girl was a regular instead of saying she was a friend, I woulda been preparing to post a different reply here when I got to your 2nd post in this thread.
I do see double standards going on here. If a member posts a situation they were in that made them upset or uncomfortable or whatever, most of the replies side with the NT, even if the NT was the one being a jerk.
It's like when I posted a thread ranting about a stranger with a baby sitting on the seat next to me on a mostly empty bus with more than plenty of available seats (and I was not sitting in any priority seats), and most of the people that replied in the thread were on her side. But if it were the other way around ("someone else was sitting in the exact seat I wanted to sit in, even though there were other available seats I still sat there next to them and they gave me funny looks or looked uncomfortable, why?") all the replies would be different, like "the hidden social rules on public transport is to not sit next to strangers unless for a reason like no other available seats or if you're disabled and you need to sit at the front, etc, so that person you sat next to probably wanted their own space, you can't always have what you want, sometimes you just have to pick another seat...."
I was going to do an experiment with this one but I think I might have given too much away now and anyway I don't think it's really allowed, as it might be a form of trolling.