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Joined: 13 Jul 2021
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27 Jul 2021, 8:10 am

For me, keeping a gratitude list is like taking a multi-vitamin for my emotional well-being. I keep a word document open on my laptop at all times that is entitled, 'Gratitude List'. Every day, at least once a day, I am committed to making my way over to the list and adding whatever comes to mind. Throughout the day, since it is always open, if anything comes up, I take a moment and go add to the list. In the course of a normal day, I might visit that page between two and five times. Anywho, some days the entries are profound - sometimes they're pretty ho-hum, but keeping the list has helped change my life for the better. I am happier since I started it. It didn't happen all at once, but after about 6-8 weeks, other people started commenting on the fact that I seemed happier. I've been keeping it now for about a year. Here was this mornings entries:

I am grateful that I have hot & cold water on demand. Loved this morning’s shower!
I am grateful for access to a washer and dryer and the clean clothes I was able to put on.
I am grateful I slept in a bed last night.
I am grateful I woke up in a safe place.
I am grateful for the resources to be able to buy healthy, nutritious food.
I’m grateful the blackout screens I bought yesterday kept the house cool.
I’m grateful dad is feeling a little better today.
I’m grateful I finished the make-up lesson from SOA yesterday.
I am grateful I connected with Sean yesterday.
I’m grateful that I’ve learned to live within my means, so I can have everything I need.

What do you have to be grateful for today? Add your below, if you like!


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27 Jul 2021, 8:17 am

I'm grateful that my boyfriend had a safe flight.
I'm grateful for modern medicine and free health care.
I'm grateful for my family and pets.
I'm grateful that I started packing already.
I'm grateful that I'm getting groceries delivered today.
I'm grateful that I met N who changed my life.

I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.